New Tanks!


Fish Crazy
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
Well I only have one betta but tanks were on sale so I got 2 minibow 2.5s with whisper micro filters(my god its worse than finding shoes on sale). They came with dividers so Ive set one up Mars on one side and the filter on the other. As soon as I released him he immediately went to exploring every inch! Up and down the walls and around the top and bottom! The he keeps poking his nose into the holes in the divider then swimming over to me as if to say "hey! theres a whole other room over there!! I wanna go there too!!!" I swear sometimes its like watching a puppy :wub:
I'm worried he might get his tail caught in the filter or something. Has anyone used this kind of filter before? I think the intake is on the bottom but he is curious and I'm paranoid. My first betta died a year ago this week and I just cant lose this one to a stupid mistake.
I also got a 7.5 watt heater made for 2-5gal tanks and so far it has been holding the temp at 78-79 F. This was the main inspiration for moving up a tank size. The weather here has finally decided to act like winter and the house has been getting cold at night.
So can I give him the run of the tank?

Now I need a new betta for the second tank :D :D :D
I had one and my bettas tail never got caught. There is a small filter that goes on the outside made for a 2 gallon. You could buy one of those, it costed me about $12.00
Can I just ask how much you paid for the 2.5 minibows on sale? The cheapest Ive found them for is around $26.
You can get 3 more bettas, right? :)
$19.95 on clearance at Superpetz marked down from $35.
I used to enjoy buying supplies there because everyone was plesant although not always informational. I had never bought fish there before but everytime I was there it seemed to be tank cleaning time.
Well they were running a buy one get one fish special the other day and I decided to take a close look only to discover that they carry PAINTED GLASS FISH! I hate that. I'm working on a letter to corporate because I was told by a manager they order fish from a list of requirements given to them. grrrrr.

Hmmm three more bettas :shifty: I have to get at least one more because I told my sister (she's moving in with me) she could have one of her own... since she has to live in the fish room anyway! :lol:

shadow: Like a nano filter? I've seen them online. I figure the intake of one has the pull of any other of similar size and wattage (right term?) anyway ... I think I'll keep a really close eye on him for a while if I give him the run of the tank. If it becomes a problem would a piece of hose over the opening slits defeat the function of the filter?
what you could try doing is netting the filter intake/output with a an old stocking, that way there's still the air and water flow without risk of anything getting sucked in. Also, it'll break the current a bit so your betta isn't too disturbed.

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