New tanks set up


Mar 16, 2005
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Central Minnesota
After an entire day of sterilizing, pet store visits, cleaning, organizing, and more cleaning, I have my boys' future homes all set up. Going to wait at least a couple more days and make sure they show no signs of illness before I move them, but I wanted to get the new filters going and get them set up while I had a whole day! My feet and back are killing me! I went and got Draco a 2-1/2 gallon Minibow, and set up my fully sanitized 3-gallon Eclipse tank for Orion. They both got Bio-gold pellets this morning and some frozen bloodworms a few minutes ago. They were VERY enthused with the blood worms :). So far, Orion seems to be the feistiest of the two, very curious, very active, and flares at the drop of a pin :wub:. Draco likes to watch me a lot. He's pretty active so far too, but a bit less gung ho with flaring and showed only mild interest in the pellets, but strong interest in the blood worms. So far, so good.. :)

Anyway, here are the tanks! Excuse all the bubbles :p

The Eclipse, for Orion (with little cavy rock in the back):

The Minibow, for Draco. I saw those little Greek columns and just had to have them! (no sharp edges :) )
They look lovely.
LOL... just realized you can see my reflection taking the pic in the Minibow, as well as the reflection of the temporary little habitat tanks they are in with the piece of paper between them :p :*)
Hi daudy_dojo! I got some inspiration from this thread started by BettaMomma, where lots of people posted pictures of their setups:

Main thing to remember is use silk or live plants (not plastic as they can catch and tear betta fins), and make sure anything you put in is smooth so it can't rip their fins. I think it was BettaMomma who said if you can run a nylon stocking over it without it damaging it, it was probably a safe object. I think smaller gravel looks more realistic, but I threw in some larger 'river stone' type gravel on top of it to give it a more varied look. Again, there are lots of ideas in that thread I linked! :)
Beautiful tanks. I have seen those greek columns before, they were expensive!!!

I also have my guys in mini bows, love them!

Kara101584 said:
I have seen those greek columns before, they were expensive!!!
Really? The little mini ones were $1.99 each at Petco. Didn't seem too bad, I picked up a couple. I bet he will love swimming between the columns :)
Great tanks!

Gosh, you guys are killing me, I want another betta so badly! Or, atleast an empty tank to set up and make it look pretty. :p :D
Cool,woah those tanks are awesome!You know how to make a betta feel like she/he has a 3 mil house :D
NICE job on these tanks - they're fabulous!

Just one little word of caution about the pillars - I put one of those exact decs in Amos' tank back when he was still with me, and he scraped his side up something fierce on it one day...I had to take it out.

But, if you make sure there aren't any sharp edges on it you should be okay!

They look fabulous!!!
Have you put the boys in yet?
BettaMomma said:
Just one little word of caution about the pillars - I put one of those exact decs in Amos' tank back when he was still with me, and he scraped his side up something fierce on it one day...I had to take it out.
Ack! :crazy: When I ran my finger over it, they really didn't seem sharp in any way. I wonder if I should just take them out? They really seemed ok though, I guess I'll just watch really close, they are all slightly different from each other so maybe mine are more dull (I hope!).

I haven't moved them yet. I was waiting a full 24 hours for the filters to cycle and the water to age, but I'm also very paranoid and worried. I know that Haiku seemed just fine until I moved him, so I'm so very worried about the move. I felt like I really rushed him too much. So I'm going to wait maybe another day or at least until tonight, and then when I put them in, let them go the first couple days or so without the filter on so that they don't go from a small container with no current to a big decorated container with current suddenly. I want to be as careful and gentle as possible about the transition, because I feel like I was overeager and rushed Haiku's transition :(

On a good note, day three and they are eating with vigor, active, and curious :clap:

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