new tank


New Member
Dec 1, 2004
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Hi i just got a new tank for chrismas and im new to keeping fish ive got plants in it and i put them in today the wather temp is between 25 and 26 'c

I teated the water today the pH is 7.6 the nitrite NO2 is 0.50 the ammonia nh3/nh+4 is 0 and the nitrate no3 is 5.0.

i was wondring when i can put some hardey fish in the tank

thanx adam :)
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section. :D

I take it you have checked out the pinned articles, like Sorrell said?

Are those the tank specs without fish and bottled ammonia?

I have read that book, too. ;)

You could put in hardy fish now, but you will have to keep the fish you put in. Normally, these fish are placed in the tank to cycle it, so I take it that is what you want to do with them?

How big is the tank?
Hi Adam :thumbs:
What size is your new tank? Congrats on a lovely present. Best not to put fish in until the tank has cycled ie 4 to 6 weeks. However some people cycle with fish so if you decide to make sure you wait a week for the tank to settle in, then test water values and do a water change if ANY nitrites and ammonia present (they should both be nil).

I've cycled with guppies and glowlight tetras once and they are ok but apparently they are weakened a bit and won't live so long. Now I always fishless cycle.
Hope you enjoy your new hobby.
hi thanx for the help and warm welcome.

i have 120 litre tank

the tank specs are with out fish. are they good specs to have as the tank has only been running 2 days?

thanx adam

are these specs good as the tank has only been running for a few days?

do i have to do a 25% water chage while the tank is cycling??

and should the temp keep chageing?

(sorry about the speeling not good at it)

thanx adam

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