New Tank

Unfortunatly so.... They only just fitted in my bath!!!

Cheers for the nom CC..

All those that are still asking what fish are going to go in need to read the entire thread :p

I'd love see your tank but have you removed it??

It's not showing up in your post to me,I thought everyone was doing a winde up at first saying it was so nice :blink:

Think I'd better reboot :no:
yeah, get activated carbon for your filter and that will remove it. carbon removes dyes and chemicals from the water, thats why treatment instructions say to remove any carbon you have!!.
Hi bujiweb,

Great tank you have there mate, I love the bogwood its a bit expensive alright but worth it when you see the results.
I like the fine brownish gravel too it really goes well with the wood and like others i cant wait until you have some fish in there.
I use charcoal in a little sack which goes into my filter, That will clear your water up rapid, I use it all the time except when adding anything to the tank. It will leave your water crystal clear.

Personally I would not bother with the carbon, the tannins will come out in a few water changes anyway. If I remeber correctly carbon is only useful for a little while anyway.
yeah, get activated carbon for your filter and that will remove it. carbon removes dyes and chemicals from the water, thats why treatment instructions say to remove any carbon you have

Carbon does work . . . well . . . it also removes a lot of useful nutrients from the water . . . so, try to use it sparingly. -_-
Awsome tank and great piece of wood.Ill second the nom.
I must be the odd 1 out as i love the look of tanins in water, i even add blackwater addative to my tank, seems to realy perk up my tetras
Cheers guys :)

I think after one more water change the tannins will have virtually dissapeared anyway...

Then i can kick off the cycle with a lovely pre-cycled filter pad :) (my 50G has the same kind of filter which is lucky!)

Hmmm never thought of it killing nutrients....i'ved always just left it in until now as i'm treating at the moment.

I couldn't stand the effects of tannins when i first set up and only had UG, it really annoyed me how it was discolouring the water.

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