new tank


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
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im new to the forum, but not to keeping tropical and marine fish

i hav just upgraded from a 2ft aquarium to a 4 ft and i was wondering if u think my fish combo would be alright.

the plan is to get
2 Electric yellows (Labidochromis caeruleus)
4 Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)
4 Clown Loaches (Botia macracanthus)
2 catfish or bottom feeders (havent decided what yet pls recommend some)
10 tiger barbs (Barbus tetrazona)
and possibly 2 red tail black sharks (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor)
or 4 silver sharks (Balanteocheilus melanopterus)
i know ahgels and tiger barbs dont go well togerther but i fing the more tiger barbs togerther the better, i hav 4 angels and 8 tigers barbs in my 2ft tank and they r fine.

How do think it will work??
thanxs heaps timmy.V
yea its about 230 litres think about 65 us gallons
DONT GET THE TIGER BARBS. If you want Angel fish and Silver Dollars they wont last long with the Barbs. Trust me I've learnt the hard way with Barbs and Angels and the Barbs just nip away at their fins. This will stress the Angels at best but this will lead to death very quickly. My Angels lasted approximately 2 weeks although there was no apparent signs of fin nipping, they just got really stressed lost all there colour and then died one by one.

As for your your catfish how about a few Plecs. I have a couple of L001 Plecs, not sure of there common name but they are great. They are allways out and about and have really nice markings.
Also dont get the Red Tailed Black Sharks. AFAIK they are quite aggressive and not really a good community tank choice.

What sort of filtration will you be running in the 4ft tank? I would recommend external filtration. I have a Fluval 404 for mine with a spray bar and its great.
I have to agree about tiger barbs. They also don't mix with guppies. My prized sivery blue bright yellow finned male guppie was nipped pretty good as was my black guppy and minor damage done to my red betta
I don't recommend getting two RTBS but one would be fine. As for the 4 silver sharks, thats a BIG NO NO. Your tank is nowhere near big enough for 4 of them, unless you plan on upgrading once they get past the 5 inch marker.

As for the bottom feeder. my faves are cories, but there always bristlenosed plecos, and zebra plecos that I like too!
i have a aqua one 1200 external filter

but casue im getting a like 10 barbs, wouldnt there chase each other casue last time i had angels and barbs togerther there was no problems...

yea i going to get a cory, perfect for the tank i reckon

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