new tank


New Member
May 25, 2004
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well i went out today and was lookin at my lfs and they had a 20 gal kit with stang and everything for $100, so i got it(the filter and hood are worth almost that) now its gettin set up. What should i do add watewr from my 70 gal or just do new cycle? And any suggestions on the fish to go in there? I was sorta thinkin of breedin mollies, but aint stuck on it so any cool ideas would be helpful.
sorry its not the hospital tank this one is a nice square one for the kitchen
no matter if you add water from your established tank, the beneficial bacteria is not grown on your gravel and tank and filter or anything else. You're probably just better off starting a new cycling job.
Fish suggestions - what kind of fish do you like? Livebearers, cichlids, barbs? Do you want a peaceful community tank or more aggressive? Do you want a bunch of different fish, a species tank or a mix?
i would like chicilds but never owned and i thought it would be way too small! Thinkin of a breedin tank though maybe guppies or mollies not sure! Want somethign easy to maintain but nice to look at!
rjarcher said:
i would like chicilds but never owned and i thought it would be way too small! Thinkin of a breedin tank though maybe guppies or mollies not sure! Want somethign easy to maintain but nice to look at!
If you want cichlids, here's a good setup:

2 Rams - gold, german, bolivian, any kind will do.
School of tetras - neon, rummynose, cardinal, blackskirt, whatever. I'd go with 6 or 7.
Otocinclus catfish - 3

That would be a nice peaceful tank yet the tetras and rams are really nice and colorful.
Thanks alot! Your sure they will be fine in that small of a tank here are the measurements 25longx14widex16tall all in inches and how would u decorate it? Live or fake? Sand or gravel? open or lots of hiding spots? But am definetly interested in kristins suggestion sounds like a colorful active tank thank you!
rjarcher said:
Thanks alot! Your sure they will be fine in that small of a tank here are the measurements 25longx14widex16tall all in inches and how would u decorate it? Live or fake? Sand or gravel? open or lots of hiding spots? But am definetly interested in kristins suggestion sounds like a colorful active tank thank you!
My *personal* preferences are for fake plants and gravel, so they're what I know and how I've decorated my tanks. I would put a fairly thick area of plants along the back and in one corner b/c the tetras can be timid and like hiding places but with big open areas for swimming as well. My tetras are LOVING the wall of bubbles from one of those bubble wands. Most tetras like the same type water as the oto cat and rams you might just want to double check the parameters you need when you decide on a tetra species.

The rams get to about 2" each, so that's 4" of fish.
Tetras (overestimating for most kinds) are 2" so that's 12"
Oto cats - 2" so that's 6"

That's a total of 20" total and tetras produce little bioload so you're right on the money.
do you live in the US? if so that tanks kinda a rip off. At walmert ( i know noone likes them ) but they have a 30 gallon set for the same price, and a 55 for just 58 more dollars. i dont know about if they have good filters though.

and i would have said rams as well, or Neolamprologus multifasciatus, you could have like 10 or so of them.

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