New Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2009
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been given a 3ft tank only problem is it WAS a marine tank what should i be using to clean it out?
been given a 3ft tank only problem is it WAS a marine tank what should i be using to clean it out?
I think that pouring boiling water into it would do the trick. But I'm not an expert so I wouldn't trust me =P
Ive just upgraded my 3ft to a 4ft and the 4ft was second hand and used as marine before it came to me - To clean it out I just used a wet sponge to wipe down the glass a few times and used a bit of a gross method to test it but basically I would run my finger down and lick it, if it tasted salty time to keep scrubbing if I was happy with it I stopped I also filled the tank up and once and drained it before doing the final fill and it seems to be okay so far about a month after the swap now.

But make sure you change all the substrate and media in the filters - also if its an external change the pipes and inlet/outlets just to make sure. A good scrub could clean the pipes but I chose not to risk it.

With the filter I just made sure it was as clean as possible scrubbed everything with a toothbrush and got all the impellers etc apart and made sure there were no salt/marine sand build ups.

The only thing I notice where salt is still present is when I get a bit of evaporation and water drips down the front of the tank between the hood and the glass it sometimes leaves a salt trail but that faded out over the first week so not a problem for me really.

Ive just upgraded my 3ft to a 4ft and the 4ft was second hand and used as marine before it came to me - To clean it out I just used a wet sponge to wipe down the glass a few times and used a bit of a gross method to test it but basically I would run my finger down and lick it, if it tasted salty time to keep scrubbing if I was happy with it I stopped I also filled the tank up and once and drained it before doing the final fill and it seems to be okay so far about a month after the swap now.

But make sure you change all the substrate and media in the filters - also if its an external change the pipes and inlet/outlets just to make sure. A good scrub could clean the pipes but I chose not to risk it.

With the filter I just made sure it was as clean as possible scrubbed everything with a toothbrush and got all the impellers etc apart and made sure there were no salt/marine sand build ups.

The only thing I notice where salt is still present is when I get a bit of evaporation and water drips down the front of the tank between the hood and the glass it sometimes leaves a salt trail but that faded out over the first week so not a problem for me really.

Lol I do the same thing with my bucket for water changes I use the same one for my brackish and freshwater set ups. Rinse the bucket out a few times do the finger test then taste. :lol:
im ok for filters it aint got all i got was tank hood light n stand. so im going have to get filters

the next question is what filter to get?
whats best internal or external both my current tanks are internal filters ones is im assuming a juwel the other an elite stingray. (both other tanks are 2ft*1*1)
External filters in my opinion are always better than internal ones. But some internals on a 30 work pretty good the Fluval U3 is a decent filter with a good flow rate. But yeah I would try and find a good external :) but it all depends on budget I guess
Don't use boiling water. Depending on temperature gradiants you can crack the glass. Warm or hot water would be fine.

what size filter should i be using on this tank? from what i can gather a fluval 205 will be more than ample

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