New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Friendswood, Texas
So, I was thinking in the future of getting a Nano Cube 12 gallon tank and was wondering, what fish I could have. Mabey some coral, etc.
You tell me everything! Im new to saltwater and this would be my first saltwter tank so tell me anything and everything I would need to know to be successful.
How to set up, stats, treatments, managment, everything.

:hi: to the marine side of the hobby.

To tell you EVERYTHING would require way too much time than any of us can volunteer, and besides, much of it is already written down :). If I may suggest, start by reading through the stickies atop the nano section (since a 12g tank is a nano) and have a visit over to a major retailer like to get an idea of what livestock you want. Then we can gear advice/suggestions to that
So, I was thinking in the future of getting a Nano Cube 12 gallon tank and was wondering, what fish I could have. Mabey some coral, etc.
You tell me everything! Im new to saltwater and this would be my first saltwter tank so tell me anything and everything I would need to know to be successful.
How to set up, stats, treatments, managment, everything.


look at the pinned topics first mate, gives loads of good information and lots of it for starting marines. and tells you about nano tanks what you can keep etc :good:
welcome to the salty side.

Check the pinned topics first.

Ask any specifics later. Good mix of people on here from seasoned pros like ski or enthusiastic beginners like myself.

Dont be afraid to ask any question no matter how daft it may sound.

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