New Tank!

oooh sorry i should've thought about that. here's a pic of my tank... i'm cycling overnight so there's nothin in it yet :)

Hmm, it seems very tall... Not much surface area.... Or horizontalness..

for one thing, guppies r soooo small... and another they don't get bigger than the tank u keep them in, if that was the case my mom's clown loach would've grown outta her tank hehe. right now they're about 2 in in length about. they should be alright.

Yeah, theres this funny thing, it's called growing. Kittens are tiny, but they grow. An adult female guppy will be, what, about 2"? Males smaller, but you should have more females than males anyway. And clown loaches grow pretty slowly, but that's just because they have a 40 year or so lifespan...

well first i filled it up with water, put stress coat (for chlorine and such remover) in it, and stress zyme in it (for bacteria growth), and i also put some of my 10 gal's rocks in there because i eventually want to just mix them all, and it's good for bacteria growth.

And what you've done, when it boils down to it, is nothing. Stress zyme does nothing, the rocks will have no nitrifying bacteria on them, the only thing you've probalbly transfered are any diseases lurking around.

thanks for that! now here's a question how do u get ur water softer?

You don't need to...

yeah i have a quick dip test kit. now i also poured like 2 buckets full of my old 10 tank water in too i left that out. i'm sure this will help a big deal. but i did test the water after adding the bacteria zyme and nitrites were 0 and only a small amount of nitrate. ph is neutral, water is a little hard tho.

Again, the water contains virtually none of the bacteria you want... Of course the levels will be 0, it's come part from the tap, part from a cycled tank. You have no source of ammonia, so why would there be any ammonia levels.... Nothing wrong with hard water, trying to change it will do more harm than good.

then everyone shouldn't have a clown loach if this was the case because the zoo has one that is like 3 feet long... so in that case everyone with a 40g, 50g even a 150g shouldn't own any clown loaches :( this is just silly. in the wild if they aren't in a big space, then they won't get big, just how things work. same with people.

Mm, k, so you'd be perfectly happy to keep a small child/kitten/puppy/whatever in a nice box, and it's be a perfectly healthy adult... 3ft, I doubt, 2ft, maybe, but as I've already said, clown loaches are slow growers, they shoot up to 6" or so then slow right down. A CL that big would be pretty old. And indeed, you shouldn't even think about clown loaches unless you have over a 90g. Which, funnily enough, you don't.
I thought clown loaches only got to like 10-12 inches max? even in the wild... :/

Your tank set-up seems nice...and from experience everyone wants clown loaches (i did!) most people just don't have the room for isn't fair to keep fish in an environment thats too cramped for them. My boyfriend keeps telling me the same thing you said - that if you keep them in a small tank it will stunt their growth and they will stay small - but I still point blank refuse to put anything bigger than dwarf gourami's in my 16 galls.

Stick to the inch per gallon rule. If you want clowns you need at least captivity they might get to 8 inches, thats 40 inches so you'd need 40 gallons and no other fish. And if what you really want is all the fish you *want* and a nice colourful jam packed tank brimming with crazy fish...then don't ask for advice from people who care about the wellfare of the animals.... (I don't want to sound horrible...but I really think you should just take the fish welfare into consideration :( )
Oh yes, by 'growing to the size of the tank', it generally means growing until they can phusically fot no more. So, possibly fully grown then... Hope you don't mind an orange and black stripy substrate?
they seem happy to me, clicking and playing in the plants.... they're fine... if they ever really do get that big, cuz i've never seen it i will take them out...
clown loach info

ok this site definitely says 20+ gallon

i'm sorry to say that there are a lot of people like you in the world who just don't use reason or common sence and choose to remain ignorant despite being correct by those wiser. If you don't mind hurting your fish in the long run then i see no problem with it.... Clown loaches get up to 12 inches in the wild humans get up to 5-6 feet
i'm sure you wouldn't want your growth stunted, or live in a small room your whole life. Sureley if you lived in a 4ft tall room you wouln't grow to 5 feet but would you be happy?
"You need to provide your Clown Loaches with a 100 L (20 G) aquarium or larger. They grow slowly compared to many other fish species, but they will become large eventually and need at least 540 L (125 G)."

You didn't read the next sentence......
How about this.

Since it seems whatever advice they are giving you, you try to make up utter BS to get yourself out. Why don't you go to a few forums ask the same stuff, do some research. Your tank may have the same capacity as any other 30 gallon or so, but it isn't going to be able to keep as many fish as a normal 30 gallon. Why? You do not have enough length, but rather height.

Please do some reasearch, and also try and not hurt fish just because you think they can stand it.
Hexagon tanks are useless, I just threw away a 42g hex that I couldn't even give away. With that said, I hope you take the advice given involving the clowns.
my tank is bigger than it looks in the picture, they spend most of their time playing in the giant plant anyhow... and if they are on the ground they're getting food or in the cave... they seem very happy. if they do get bigger i will rehouse them. but for now they seem happy and playful :D
I ask myself, why join a forum if you are not going to listen to advice from knowledgable people? :no: :no:

I joined 18 months ago and have had so much help setting my new tanks up I wouldn't have been able to do it without this site!! How cheesy does that sound! :sick: :sick:
my tank is bigger than it looks in the picture

your tank is 30 gallons. were not going on how it looks in the pic.

even if your clown loaches stayed small then the tank is still way too small!!!

there really active fish who like to be able to swim about not round in a small circle like in your hex.

clown loach info

ok this site definitely says 20+ gallon

try reading the full sentance from this site instead of what u want to hear too.

it actually says they need a larger tank.

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