Currently have a 1-foot tank. have a plant from an older tank. plan to put some neon tetras in it and probably a sucker fish. what sucker fish should i put?
Your tank is a little on the small side. I would have just a small shoal of Neons and one or two of the small species of Oto, Otoclincus Affinis. They will grow to a maximiun of 1.5 to 2 inches and are excellent algae eaters which won't eat plants. Assuming your tank is 1 foot length, width and depth, your maximum stocking level should be 11 inches of fish maximum built up slowly.
Ensure your tank has cycled before adding your shoal of neons and otos. There's plenty of info on this forum about cycling, with or without fish. Good luck.
the best suckers ive seen (And I plan to buy to add to my community tank) are the Borneo Suckers! They look like mini sting rays, and I saw them at a fish shop for $11 Aust. I would highly recommend them!
Yes make sure its cycled...(No idea follow my sig). Especially with neons due to the fact that there not as hardy and wouldn't cope in an uncycled tank