New Tank


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
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this is my first fish tank. anything you think i could change please tell me as it would be much appreciated!! hope you like it


  • Fish_tank.jpg
    53.2 KB · Views: 38
what fish do you have in there and how big is el tank?

i see an angel, a barb (rosey?) and a platy.

i see some potential problems but i will let you give more info on the tank before i address anything :)

oh yeah-and that gravel is really cool...i dont usually like flashy things but for some reason i like it...where did you get it?
jacblades said:
what fish do you have in there and how big is el tank?

i see an angel, a barb (rosey?) and a platy.

i see some potential problems but i will let you give more info on the tank before i address anything :)

oh yeah-and that gravel is really cool...i dont usually like flashy things but for some reason i like it...where did you get it?

emm its a small tank about 5~6 gallons, i have been told my tank is over crowded :( i have 5 fish, rosey barb, dwarf angelfish, a male platty, golden algae eater and a Peppered cory :)

Also i got the stones from Pets at Home (also where i bought the tank)
Grim Reaper said:
how big is the tank???
is that foilpaper that u are using as ur backround???

its a transfer foil thats used for designs on t-shirts... but i stuck it on card instead lol, thought it looked good tho :*)
did the pet store tell you that your angelfish was a dwarf? (because there's no such thing)
all of your fish would do much better with a couple of friends (except maybe the golden algae eater-aka chinese algae eater 'cae')but there is no room in the tank for any more fish.

you might be able to leave the platy in the tank and get him a buddy or two but everything else needs to be moved to a larger tank.

you may have some problems with the barb nipping the angel's fins (especially in such a small tank)

cories are schoaling fish that need to be kept in groups of no less than 3 (although the more, the better)
barbs are schooling fish and the same applies to them
the angel can be alone but definately needs a bigger tank. they are pretty sensitive to water quality (and the smaller the tank, the more difficult it is to keep the water quality within acceptable parameters)
angels also get huge! the biggest i have seen was about 8 inches tall.

if the pet store told you it was ok to put all of these fish together, please go back and tell them that you dont appreciate them giving you rubbish advice. if possible, take some of the fish back.

the algae eater while small won't do any harm but when it gets larger, expect some dead fish in your tank.

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