New tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
Dorset, UK
I already have a 96 litre tank that is populated with livebearers: Guppies, mollies and swordtails.

I have recently bought a new tank which has a glass divide down the middle- it can hold aroud 90 litres overall, however with the divide that makes it 45 litres each side. I wish to step away from livebearers as I have a tank full of them already, so which fish do people suggest? I want something thats reasonably easy to look after and quite tough for cycling purposes for my new tank.

get tetras or barbs there good fish but they have to be in schools.
Personally, I'd go for some type of small gourami (dwarf, honey, sparkling, or croaking) or a group of female bettas... but then again, I'm an anabantoid lover ;)
I have a male betta now in one side of the newer tank, but he looks rather inactive which i put down to loneliness because he was in my community tank for a day while my new one heated up etc. (which is full of livebearers). So perhaps getting him a couple of female betta's will be good for him. Although they will be difficult to get because I havent seen any in the lfs.

Was thinking about getting gourmis for the other side :)
xander_chookeypud said:
I have a male betta now in one side of the newer tank, but he looks rather inactive which i put down to loneliness because he was in my community tank for a day while my new one heated up etc. (which is full of livebearers). So perhaps getting him a couple of female betta's will be good for him. Although they will be difficult to get because I havent seen any in the lfs.

Was thinking about getting gourmis for the other side  :)
You're not planning to put the female bettas in the same section as the male betta are you ? :blink: :huh:

Though most fish adjust to most water conditions we give them (in maintained tanks), they might not necessarily thrive - and I think it's best to choose fish that are best suited to the type of water you have - so that really depends on your pH, gH & kH.
Well my original thought was either the gourmis or the female betta's in the other side- would get cramped in one side otherwise. Hopefully if he saw the fish the other side he might look slightly less inactive...
Tetras are really good but you do have to buy quite a few. Neon tetras are cool but glowlight tetras are gorgeous. They are really easy to look after as they are really resistant to disease. The hardness of your water doesn't really matter unless you want to breed them. ;)
Im going to research tetras i think, whether my tank is suitable or not etc. Going by what Saz said, they sound very appealing! :cool: :D
Glowlight tetras are normally kept in slightly soft water but my water is slightly hard so they do tolerate quite a large range of water conditions. They are lovely fish-they have an glowing orange band that runs from their head down to their tail along their lateral line. They are also have good appetites! But personally I don't think it matters what type of tetra you get they are all beautiful but some are harder to look after than others. :thumbs:

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