New Tank!!!


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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I am getting a 25 gallon today :D I have to clean it up and get some stuff for it (filter, gravel, plants, etc..) I am going to cycle it with 3-4 zebras...But my question is....I dont know how to set up the landscape i guess thats whats its called :lol: :blink: Any suggestions would really be appreciated!! :D

I want it heavly planted and was thinking about putting a couple of caves for them to hide and play in, what ya think?? :rolleyes:

What type of filter does everyone suggest??

I dont want any live plants only fake :)

The fish in my signature only the adults will go in this tank plus whatever zebras survive the cycle plus if I lose any I will get some more after its cycled to make up for them...The total fish from my own tank is 8
Why are you cycling with fish? It takes longer than fishless cycling and even you admit that the zebra's surviving is an "If". I assume you've read my article?
Yes I read your article, But Im not sure if I could do a fishless, Im scared :eek: :lol:
Ok, PJGuppies, you have no need to be scared. The tests will tell all and you will know if it is safe or not to put the fish into the new tank. (But, I agree with you. The idea of doing anything with ammonia--including washing the windows--makes me a bit uneasy.)

But you will probably not have to sacrifice any fish if you make a cloned tank from the one you already have. Remember, the key to the whole thing is in establishing colonies of helpful bacteria in the new tank. With this in mind, prepare by putting any plants, rocks or decorations you may have bought into the new tank to gather bacteria on them which will be put into the new tank.

When you are ready to set up, wash your new gravel and put it into the new tank; then put half of the gravel from the old tank on top of it. Do not wash it; just scoop it out, fish waste and all, and put it in. There are a lot of bacteria growing in it and with the fish soil from the bottom of your old tank, they will eat and reproduce. Fill the tank 1/3 to 1/2 full of water from your old tank and fill the rest with dechlorinated water.

Then, when you put your filter on, use old filter material from the first tank because it is teeming with these bacteria. Better still, move the entire filter over and take advantage of the bacteria that is clinging to all the surfaces of it. Then move the plants and decorations in. It doesn't have to look perfect at this point; you can move them around later. If the water is a little cloudy from the disturbed sediment the filter will soon clear it.

Wait a few days for the water to wash the bacteria from the filter into the tank itself and run your water tests. You will probably find that it is safe to put your fish in, but just put a few in to start.

Good luck with the tank!
Thanks for your input Inchworm :)

I think I will try the fishless cycle, and if I run into any problems I will ask everyone :lol:

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