New Tank With Fish :(

I'm not convinced it's cycled at all.

Looking at the picture of the tank there are enough plants in there for that amount of fish, and the volume of water, for the plants to be doing all the work (at this stage). Also his tank has not been going only three days but three plus the five before any fish were added, but during which the Nutrafin cycle had been added, so eight days - and water changes have been done. I don't know, but I suspect that the Nutrafin cycle contains ammonia in some form or another to feed the bacteria while there are no fish in.

Of course, it's academic really as long as something is keeping the ammonia/nitrite in check until it really has cycled.

as stated all the plants but 2 are plastic ones,
3 days was since the fish went in..

Ah ok, I didn't see that most were plastic. (Edit: actually from your first post and in later postings you said you added live plants - doesn't matter though).

The fish have been in for three days but the tank has had bacteria for eight as you dosed Nutrafin cyle on day one, didn't you?

yep that's correct nutrafin cycle from day one.
sorry yes there is 10 moss balls in there also...

I'm still not convinced it's cycled then. Moss balls are slow growing and so won't suck up masses of nutrients but you do have ten of them under much higher light levels than they would naturally have, which helps a lot. You also have a few other live plants in there.

Given the fish number and size, and the volume of water, I still think most of the ammonia being produced could be being eaten by your plants and algae rather than any bacteria which may be in there.

If you took all the plants and moss balls out and the ammonia still stayed at zero for a few days, then I'd be convinced it was cycled.
I used API Sress Zyme to start the cycle in my tanks (before I knew about the whole adding ammonia thing) and they were fine to add fish within the week. I tested with my API Master Kit. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrates were high but I did a water change before I added fish. The cycle starters, IMO, actually do work.

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