Mostly New Member
Dwarf frogs will go good in your tank and some mollys plus guppies.and spme algae eaters,black kuhli loach
the_lock_man said:I've always subscribed to the theory that a large shoal of one species looks better, and behaves more naturally, than smaller shoals of 2 species, so since you've already got green neons, I personally would get more of those. But that's just me.
Your issue is with the platies, these being hardwater fish, they need the dissolved minerals that your softwater doesn't have. If you can rehome them, so much the better, they won't thrive in softwater.
Munroco said:Soft water, so no mollies for sure, not that great for guppies either. I'm down the road a bit from you, in Carnoustie, and have nice soft water too. My PH is about 6.5 yours may be a little lower. Great for most South american fish. When I started up again I bought a £20 bundle of plants and a few java fern. Got 3 tanks full of plants now from the cuttings and I still don't know what they all are. I'd advise a well planted tank to compliment whichever tetras you decide on. Nothing nicer than seeing fish swimming in and out of the plants. I prefer tanks where you don't see everything at once.
Far_King said:
I've always subscribed to the theory that a large shoal of one species looks better, and behaves more naturally, than smaller shoals of 2 species, so since you've already got green neons, I personally would get more of those. But that's just me.
Your issue is with the platies, these being hardwater fish, they need the dissolved minerals that your softwater doesn't have. If you can rehome them, so much the better, they won't thrive in softwater.
I do agree with this. I have a large shoal of ember tetras in a tank. I moved neons and yellow phantoms in there from another tank of mine and the shoaling habits of the embers changed as all the tetras kind of mingled.
They have since separated and shoal properly again but they do mix and it can change the look for sure.
I found with rummy nose that they did keep themselves to themselves though.
Oswegofish said:Dwarf frogs will go good in your tank and some mollys plus guppies.and spme algae eaters,black kuhli loach
chishnfips said:
Soft water, so no mollies for sure, not that great for guppies either. I'm down the road a bit from you, in Carnoustie, and have nice soft water too. My PH is about 6.5 yours may be a little lower. Great for most South american fish. When I started up again I bought a £20 bundle of plants and a few java fern. Got 3 tanks full of plants now from the cuttings and I still don't know what they all are. I'd advise a well planted tank to compliment whichever tetras you decide on. Nothing nicer than seeing fish swimming in and out of the plants. I prefer tanks where you don't see everything at once.
Thats good because I dont like mollies or guppies lol. Yeah our PH is about 6.3 Wouldnt mind a heap of Valis at the back (I saw a post yesterday where someone had done this and some really nice rock with bits of bog wood in there too. I agree, it looks awsome having lots of plants and the small fish swimming amongst them.
Lots of available hiding places for corrys too. I reckon I'll mix the tetras so will head to my LFS and see what would go well together.
Really appreciate all the advice and suggestions ;0)
Hoping I'll have room for a BN plec too
Far_King said:
I've always subscribed to the theory that a large shoal of one species looks better, and behaves more naturally, than smaller shoals of 2 species, so since you've already got green neons, I personally would get more of those. But that's just me.
Your issue is with the platies, these being hardwater fish, they need the dissolved minerals that your softwater doesn't have. If you can rehome them, so much the better, they won't thrive in softwater.
I do agree with this. I have a large shoal of ember tetras in a tank. I moved neons and yellow phantoms in there from another tank of mine and the shoaling habits of the embers changed as all the tetras kind of mingled.
They have since separated and shoal properly again but they do mix and it can change the look for sure.
I found with rummy nose that they did keep themselves to themselves though.
I had no problems with Val, it was sending out runners all over the place so I don't think soft water can be the problem. I do have a layer of compost under the sand though. I envy your success with java moss though, I just can't get it to grow at all.Akasha72 said:Hi again, I just wanted to jump in and say you might struggle to get vallis to survive in soft water. My tank pH is 6.5 (nice soft Yorkshire water - perfect for my amazonian fish) and like you, I like the look of vallis waving in the current, but I just can't get it to grow at all. I've now given up on it. I asked at my lfs why it just seems to rot and they said it doesn't do well in soft water and from what I've read on the net it all seems to agree.
Munroco said:
I had no problems with Val, it was sending out runners all over the place so I don't think soft water can be the problem. I do have a layer of compost under the sand though. I envy your success with java moss though, I just can't get it to grow at all.Hi again, I just wanted to jump in and say you might struggle to get vallis to survive in soft water. My tank pH is 6.5 (nice soft Yorkshire water - perfect for my amazonian fish) and like you, I like the look of vallis waving in the current, but I just can't get it to grow at all. I've now given up on it. I asked at my lfs why it just seems to rot and they said it doesn't do well in soft water and from what I've read on the net it all seems to agree.
jag51186 said:I've heard vallis often melts initially then comes back fine. Did you let it be for a bit or pull it right away?
Akasha72 said:
I've heard vallis often melts initially then comes back fine. Did you let it be for a bit or pull it right away?
No I tried to persevere with it for a good few months. It did send out some runners but the leaves would just melt about half way up and it seemed to be rotting. I've tried the twisted variety (that one's my favourite) the 'standard' variety and the giant kind. The giant kind seemed to do mildly better than the other kinds but not by much