New Tank Setup - Not My First

had my old tank for over a year and spend alot of time reading/trolling these forums so ive picked up quite a bit, when i first setup new tank i rinsed out the old filter a few times and only moved it too my new tank today so i have my old and my new filter running in the new tank so im hoping it shall be fine, tests kits are ridiculously over priced imo, surely there must be another way ???
Sorry to but in here. I would rather pay £30 for a test kit than watch my poor fish struggle to breathe, then suffocate to death whilst having seisures from nerve damage and gill damage, hope your Doctor is more gracious if you haven't paid your life insurance......... would you watch your dog/ cat/ wife starve of oxygen whilst having epilepy... no i didnt think so. so why put your fish through it... buy the #41#### testing kit. and love your fish!!! sorry but I'm a newbie too, and I bought a kit today and i have no fish yet, and until I find an ammonia supply i can't start cycling my tank, and as I have an autistic daughter who watches the tank every morning in search of her fish ( it was her 4th birthday present for yesterday) there is no one more impaitient about this than me, and I can wait so I dont kill a fish! please people, they breathe, have heaertbeats and nerves... therefore they feel! If I get kicked off the forum for that, then so be it, please think responsibly about the animals you adopt before killing them with impaitience and ignorance
please dont try guilt trip me, never had a test kit on my old tank but i did research and dint rush stuff was fine for ages, and seeing as i have old filter media i dont see a prob ?

and no im not paying life insurance either............

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