New Tank Set Up For A Siamese Ff

They are fine and seem to be enjoying the tank. They are feeding well and taking some catfish pellets and some algae wafers. They come out and play after lights out and are quite crazy! They like the plants in the tank and have been exploring the bogwood and rocks with plants attached. They also seem to like to Moss balls. So fingers crossed that its all ok at the moment.

I'm hoping if all is ok after a week/10 days or so then I will look to see if I can find a nice Siamese FF to join them to complete the setup.
I have this exact tank and a similar set up but mine is slightly more overgrown haha :lol: the tank is brilliant for bettas of all kinds and mine has always been home to one i have kuhlis in there too as well as dwarf frogs and an apple snail they all do great in there i love this tank and reccomend it to anyone :good:

p.s the light is GREAT for growing plants :nod:
Thanks Forestpisces! I would like to add an apple snail to my setup as well. Are these ok with the Kuhlis?
Nice one, thnak you. I have two in my 125L tank and I do like them. I will get one for my new tank aoon I think. :)
Betta.jpgBetta 2.jpgBetta 2.jpg

My new Betta added to my tank! His name is "Spooky"
Good set up and a beautiful betta. I would suggest taller plants and a hiding place i.e.coconut cave or something the betta could swim in and out in.

I would also suggest a plant like the Elodea Densa, 5 or 6 in there, Bettas like to rest and hide in them. Pretty cheap, you can pick them up on ebay for a few quid.

Other than that, fab set up :good:
Hi, thanks for the feedback and ideas. I have some Elodea in my 125 L tank so I will put a bunch in there for Spooky. I'll also look for something that he can swim in and out of. Thanks for the ideas, really good to get some feedback.

Spooky seems to be feeding well, he has just taken some bloodworm and had some flake earlier. I have got some "Tetra Betta" food being delivered tomorrow for him as well.
He's one lucky betta :good: keep us up dated.

They like brime shrimp in garlic too, it's good for their immune system, esp if he is a shop betta x
Cool, I will some of that as well. :rolleyes: I want to keep Spooky nice and happy and healthy. Thanks!
Good set up and a beautiful betta. I would suggest taller plants and a hiding place i.e.coconut cave or something the betta could swim in and out in.

I would also suggest a plant like the Elodea Densa, 5 or 6 in there, Bettas like to rest and hide in them. Pretty cheap, you can pick them up on ebay for a few quid.

Other than that, fab set up :good:

Agree completely. Bettas love to swim into and through caves, holes, anything in fact ! They also love resting in and on such things too.

As for diet, Bettas do thrive with a varied diet. Frozen brine shrimp, daphnia and bloodworm (only occasionally) along with 2 or 3 different types of dried flake/pellets would be great.

Although obviously not all in one day, as your Betta may well try and convince you that you should !
Hi, thanks for the tips. I have got Spooky some Daphnia today and some special TetraBetta flake on the way. Also got some bloodworm and Brine Shrimp so he should be happy over the course of a week with his diet. I will get him something to swim in and out of asap and the Elodea went in this morning.

Spooky is eating well and exploring his area so I'm hoping that hes a happy Betta :rolleyes:
Just an update on my new tank. Added a Golden Apple Snail yesterday to my setup. He's doing great and is motoring around the tank! The Kuhli loaches havent bothered him which was a concern of mine so it seems thats not an issue.

Spooky (my Betta) is doing great. Added a few more plants for him and he has been exploring them and is very active. He is feeding well and has taken Betta flake, tropical flake, bloodworm, brine shrimp, daphnia and some vegetable/algae flake with added garlic (not all at once). He has a HUGE appetite but I dont want to overfeed him.

I usually put the pellets/algae wafers in for my Kuhli loaches after his food as hes distracted that way. However, when hes done its not unusual for him to go exploring and try and get a pellet/wafer from the Kuhlis and a "tug o' war" begins!!

Coconut cave has been ordered (with Java Moss) and am just waiting for it now.

Been checking the water and all seems fine. Done a couple of small water changes to keep it fresh and all the tests check out ok.

So hopefully things will carry on ok :rolleyes:
Sounds like you're doing a fab job :good:

Bettas are greedy,it's a never ending battle with food fights. Maybe try hiding a wafer in the tank on oneside, then straight after,feed the betta?

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