New Tank Pics


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Grimsby (UK)
Well i recently re-homed my Angel fish as he was getting rather big for the tank i have , i havent got the room for a larger tank at the moment, was sad to see him go :sad:.

I have gone back to livebearers now, a group of platys, i have also planted the tank and added 10 assasin snails hoping that they will keep any pesky snails under control as my previous planted tanks just end up being eaten :crazy:

Tank Shots






Time For A Strawberry !






The assassin's !

Looks nice :)

I must say i've never tried strawberries, maybe get some tomorrow and try one (hmm i can eat the rest with cream lol)

Try some banana, i've had success with it especially with my variety of loaches

Not fully up on all the plants you have, most look like mine and they grow real fast, will look great in a month or two for sure

Looks nice :)

I must say i've never tried strawberries, maybe get some tomorrow and try one (hmm i can eat the rest with cream lol)

Try some banana, i've had success with it especially with my variety of loaches

Not fully up on all the plants you have, most look like mine and they grow real fast, will look great in a month or two for sure


thanks for the reply, i'll have to give banana a try, knowing my plecs they will eat it lol
looks good, you do have some non aquatic plants in the tank though, which will rot in time causing ammonia spikes. The 2 either side of the cucumber in the first pic and then theres one far right on pic 1. Also pic 2 on the far right is non aquatic.
looks nice i like strawberries myself
i feed my fish them as well also
par boiled potato and carrot and
i am sure i heard somewhere you
can feed them broccoli but i
would remover the non aquatic plants
when they start to go
looks good, you do have some non aquatic plants in the tank though, which will rot in time causing ammonia spikes. The 2 either side of the cucumber in the first pic and then theres one far right on pic 1. Also pic 2 on the far right is non aquatic.

Thanks for all the comments,
as for the plants, i wasnt aware the ones in question arent aquatic :crazy: , why do lfs sell them as aquatic plants ? , i have removed the one's mentioned.

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