New Tank, Open To Suggestions


New Member
Sep 2, 2012
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Hey everyone, I'm here to ask for suggestions on what I should stock my new 125 gallon tank with. Here is a list of my current tanks to keep in mind

55 Gallon "tetra" planted tank:
10 Serpae tetras
10 neon tetras
1 blue gourami
1 pearl gourami
3 gold dojo loaches
1 sailfin pleco

55 Gallon oscar tank:
1 Tiger oscar
1 sailfin pleco

30 Gallon planted molly tank:
5 Golden panda mollies
new batch of fry

30 Gallon green terror tank:
1 juvenile green terror, will likely give to a friend when he outgrows this tank

So, I picked up this 125 and I haven't decided at all on what I want to put in it. I'm leaning towards another cichlid tank, but I'm open to all suggestions. Should I go saltwater finally? If anyone has pictures of their 125 post them here please so I can get some ideas, thanks!
Get the green terror some friends and put then in the 125g instead of waiting for him to outgrow his tank.

Try providing the correct care for that fish rather than planning on a new tank setup, you'll still end up with a spare tank anyway.
If it's going to be planted and with sand for substrate, I'd go for a big school corydoras of your choice and a school of at least 10 otocinclus, 1 butterlfy pleco(L168) and then something else for the middle of the tank, most fish would be suitable with these unless you like very aggressive fish.
Get the green terror some friends and put then in the 125g instead of waiting for him to outgrow his tank.

Try providing the correct care for that fish rather than planning on a new tank setup, you'll still end up with a spare tank anyway.

I already promised him to a friend, I am basically taking care of him until he gets his tank up and running, which should be in the next few months. He has a good life in the 30 gallon for now, he's only about 3 inches. Sorry, I should have phrased it "will give to a friend BEFORE he outgrows the tank." I had him in the 55 with an oscar who is also about 3-4 inches and the gt is just too aggressive. So I believe the gt is getting the correct care. Don't worry, I wouldn't keep a fish unless I was able to give it a good life.

If it's going to be planted and with sand for substrate, I'd go for a big school corydoras of your choice and a school of at least 10 otocinclus, 1 butterlfy pleco(L168) and then something else for the middle of the tank, most fish would be suitable with these unless you like very aggressive fish.

That sounds cool. Instead of corys i was thinking about maybe some clown loaches, I've always found them to be beautiful fish, just haven't had the room.
Get the green terror some friends and put then in the 125g instead of waiting for him to outgrow his tank.

Try providing the correct care for that fish rather than planning on a new tank setup, you'll still end up with a spare tank anyway.

I already promised him to a friend, I am basically taking care of him until he gets his tank up and running, which should be in the next few months. He has a good life in the 30 gallon for now, he's only about 3 inches. Sorry, I should have phrased it "will give to a friend BEFORE he outgrows the tank." I had him in the 55 with an oscar who is also about 3-4 inches and the gt is just too aggressive. So I believe the gt is getting the correct care. Don't worry, I wouldn't keep a fish unless I was able to give it a good life.

If it's going to be planted and with sand for substrate, I'd go for a big school corydoras of your choice and a school of at least 10 otocinclus, 1 butterlfy pleco(L168) and then something else for the middle of the tank, most fish would be suitable with these unless you like very aggressive fish.

That sounds cool. Instead of corys i was thinking about maybe some clown loaches, I've always found them to be beautiful fish, just haven't had the room.

Well, I have clown loaches myself. The good part is that they are colourful and really funny to watch. Mine chase a laser beam :lol: and they are really curious. The bad sides are that they are aggressive eaters, really boisterous when eating. Mine will attack other fish's food in groups and then fight between themselves for it too. One of them tried to steal an algae wafer from my pleco who is more than double his size, and the clown was just swimming away with it when the pleco went and literally slapped the clown with his tail. The clown dropped the wafer and ran :lol:
They are very succeptible to ich, so an established tank where suitable water conditions and ammonia/nitrite spikes are not at risk is best. They like temperatures in the high range(at least 26C) with lots of oxygen and very good flow. They are used of very fresh water as well so you would need to do water changes each week to keep them happy, even if it is a 10% change. And, mine have made a nice mesh out of the soft leaved plants in my tank. :grr: They even tried biting the plastic of a sponge/powerhead filter I am trying to cycle in the same time. So for all that I hate them :lol: but there's no catching in my tank anymore. There's a big driftwood, shaped like a tree with a huge trunk that has a big cave inside. I'll never get them out unless I take the tank apart. I love my clowns but they can't beat a nice large group of innocent wiggling lively corys. :rolleyes:
Whatever you do, just don't get do the 55 gallon sailfin pleco and oscar idea. Trust me, I've seen a video with two oscars in a 60 along with a pleco. One oscar shouldn't be kept in a 55, let alone one and a pleco. :)
Whatever you do, just don't get do the 55 gallon sailfin pleco and oscar idea. Trust me, I've seen a video with two oscars in a 60 along with a pleco. One oscar shouldn't be kept in a 55, let alone one and a pleco. :)
I think he means he currently has an Oscar and a sailfin in the 55. Also the problem with oscars in smaller tanks is usually territory, not so much bioload. Most fish don't mind plecos in their space, Oscars shouldn't either.

If you are looking for cichlids, why not move the Oscar and pleco into the 125, add a few other species, and convert the 55 into planted? Or you can go saltwater, although I hear they are much more expensive :unsure:

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