New Tank + Old And New Filters?

Mad Duff

Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Middlesbrough, UK
Right peeps a bit of advice is reqired, I just want to be sure this will be fine.

Ive just got my new 79 gallon tank, I want the fish from my 44 gallon tank in the 79g but I want to use my new external filter.
What I was going to do was add around 30g of fresh water to the 79g and then add the 44g of mature water along with the 2 Fluval 4 filters that are currentley in the 44g, then top up with fresh and dechlorinater.
Then either at the same time or a day later start the external filter running.

Two queries;

1, Should this work ok as it works out at slightly less than 50% of fresh water so it is the equivalent of a decent water change for the 79g.

2, How long will it be before I can remove the 2 Fluvals from the 79g and use them to set up the 44g again.

Any advice welcome

usually, two weeks is a safe perdio after which you can remove old filters.

As for saving your old water, if you are keeping the same fish, it might be worth it as it will save you the hassle and stress from your fish when acclimating them to new water, as you said, this will just be a big water change.

when you remove the filters from the 79g, you better stock up the 44 immediatly otherwise you will need to cycle the tank again!
Just to clarify, in case I need to do this some day...
Once the filter media has been seeded with bactieria in the old tank, and transferred to the new tank, the new tank is considered to be cycled? As long as fish are added right away I assume all should be well. If fish aren't added, I'm assuming that the bacteria will begin to die off since there will be no ammonia for them in the new tank until fish are added. Have I got that about right?
when you remove the filters from the 79g, you better stock up the 44 immediatly otherwise you will need to cycle the tank again!

All my tanks are identical, water parameters wise that is. So I will use the fluvals to carry out more or less the same procedure in the 44g as this will be used for the fish from my 30g so I will add 10g from the 79g and 20g or so from the 30g and top up with fresh.

I will be doing some work on the 44g so it will have to be empty for a couple of weeks anyway so that works out ok.

Just to clarify, in case I need to do this some day...
Once the filter media has been seeded with bactieria in the old tank, and transferred to the new tank, the new tank is considered to be cycled? As long as fish are added right away I assume all should be well. If fish aren't added, I'm assuming that the bacteria will begin to die off since there will be no ammonia for them in the new tank until fish are added. Have I got that about right?

Thats the idea if it works. :)

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