New Tank, New To Fish

I received my API Test Kit today and i have a bottle of ammonia so i'm just about to start a fishless cycle, any tips, i've read over the thread about fishless cycles on the forms here.

Also i have live plants in the tank, there just floating about, should i put them in place before i start the cycle?
I've calculated that i need 336ml of ammonia to put into my tank to raise it too 5ppm, it's a 170 litre tank, does this sound right??
That is a huge amount of ammonia to add. Recheck your numbers please. I suspect you may have slipped a decimal or something. I would expect more like 35 ml than 300+.
That is a huge amount of ammonia to add. Recheck your numbers please. I suspect you may have slipped a decimal or something. I would expect more like 35 ml than 300+.
Ok, you where right, damn decimal point. At least there was nothing in the tank! :blush: What would be best, empty tank and start again or leave it be and wait for the filter to grow bacteria, will bacteria be able to grow with so much concentrate of ammonia in the water??
Yes, you're going to need to do a large water change (whatever is convenient.. I usually only do big ones down to a point where I can stop before my filter intake would get air, so that I can just keep my filter running throughout the whole thing.)

You never want your ammonia to get up to the 8ppm level because that will promote the growth of the wrong species of bacteria in the filter and the setback from doing that will be a little worse than just a pH stall type problem. For you, at this initial staring stage you're at, this won't be a problem though as -no- bacteria have had a chance to get started yet, lol!

I personally don't like the use of these "ammonia calculators" as they seem to mislead so many beginners. Using an amount based on calculation *assumes* that one knows the real percentage of ammonia in the household aqueous ammonia that one has obtained and the *real* percentage doesn't always match what the label on the bottle says. Since its always advisable to test the dosing for the mg/l or ppm is produces, one might as well just do that to begin with. I just use a 2 gallon bucket and do a few tests and then multiply that up to the tank size. Even after that I try to come in a bit low on the first tank dosing and bring it up to the final 5ppm via a few adds and tests with written notes so I'll remember for sure what the final magic ammount of ammonia really is.

Good advice WD. I knew offhand the number was much too big because I know what I dose for a 10 US gallon tank. Even though the tank was much bigger, it wasn't 100 times bigger. I also approach dosing by starting on the low side and then making final adjustments. All tank volumes are very rough based on measurements that don't account for substrate, decorations, etc. so going light and adjusting after is a good idea.

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