New Tank Need Help!


New Member
Sep 18, 2006
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So i have wanted a nano tank so bad the first time i saw one at a pet store, I have had plenty of freshwater tanks and have never endevored in saltwater. I was always told it was to hard. So my brother bought me a cubemaster tank its 12gallons, I know its a knock off but i would like any suggestions on how I can make it reef friendly if anyone knows. My goal is to have two clowns and a gobey of some sort, if that is possible and of course I wanted to know the best anemone i could get for them,if that is even possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And by the way this site rocks it has been so helpfull so far and i seem to come back and read all your nano stories. Thank you in advance Audicy
Welcome to TFF Audicy, and especially to the Nano pages!

The thing about going marine, and or specifically nano's, is you do need to be more religous about maintenance, and to really know your stuff when it comes to livestock, and whats appropriate. You dont need to get it down to science level, so dont freak! :p But just to a level where you know whats good form bad etc.

To start, id suggest you read the pinned topics at the top of this page and any in other marine related areas like Marine Reef and Chit Chat.

Here are some specific reads that could help get you off the ground!

-SH's (Stealhealr's) Nano Journal! A terrific base of knowledge and a step by step guide to starting. 24G Nano Cube DX Nano Reef Setup

To get you excited! :p

And this thread will probably answer ALOT of first timer and lerner questions you might have!

There are countless other journals to read like Sf05's, Matthew5664's, bunjiweb's and Skifletch's, not to mention im probably forgetting some more members! :blush:

As for the anemone, clowns dont need them. Besides that they arnt essential for the general well-being of clowns, they can host in a variety of different corals.

Anemones arnt safe in a nano. They require high lighting, ie MH's (metal halides) and these will cook anything in a nano, and you could fit one in the hood anyways! :)

In 12 gallons, a pair of clowns might be fine, until they grow hopefully into larger specimens. Then they might need re-homing, but for now, thats ok. Some smaller species of goby might be fine though, like the "Neon" gobies or Okinawan/Yellow Coral Goby, but only 1 or 2.

Hopefully ive helped you start out. Like many will tell you, yes, it is tougher, but the rewards are far greater! :D :nod: I look forward to "trying" to answering anymore questions you might have! :)
Great advice there by Mr. Miagi. Make sure you also have a digicam... ;) Pictures are required for posting in this section :D
Hey...welcome...YOU CAN DO IT. Mr. Miagi is right on and one of our 'saltier' nano reef keepers as is SkiFletch. My main advice to just to do as much reading as possible and research it thoroughly. A good way to start off is when you have your plan, lay it out here....setup, salt mix. LR, pumps, etc....and all our marine members can go over the plan with you.

Nano reefing IS a bit of work, but, like most tanks, once you get into a 'rhythm', they can go into autopilot, but, ALWAYS require observation, tweaking and intervention when you sense something is going askew.

Welcome. SH
Thank you guys for the info, I apreciate it
Have to wait till tomorrow to get the saltwater,heater I realy don't want to wait but i figure i had better get a nice stand also before i even put water in it. I was also wondering if anyone has heard of cubemasters aquariums?

Thank you for helping
a fellow hobbiest
Oh and one other thing I was wondering if you can give me some good suggestions as to what would do well in a 15 gallon tank? I was hopeing on a pair of percula clowns. Any suggestions would be great


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