New Tank / Journal With Pics

People usually do a reverse lighting to the tank with a sump. It helps to stabalise PH when the main tank lights are off.
As for the red looks a bit like some kind of skeleton of a hard coral, but would need a better pic. These can sometimes come back to life after a while.
Chaeto opposite the main tank. The red thing could also be a sponge/tunicate
Well today all ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings are decreasing!!! Woooo. Also worked out my camera and I can now take super clear perfect pictures of close-ups, AMAZING!!!
Here is that red thing close-up:


What is it? is it dead?

Also there are little bits dotted around the rock in this area??

Sponge of some type. Might flourish, might perish... Nobody knows
Ok well i need some help now with my tank's readings. Today my tank's PH seems to be increasing and the KH is decreasing. All my Ammonia, Nitrite and nitrate levels are 0, is this normal for a new tank?
I have had an unsually high KH since setting up my tank at 13.8. I will give you my tank readings for yesterday and today:
Temp - 80F
S.G - 1.023/24
PH - 8.3
KH - 13.8
Ammonia - <0.25
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate 5
Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 410ppm
Magnesium - 1170ppm

Temp - 80F
S.G - 1.024
KH - 12.8
PH - 8.3/8.6
Ammonia - <0.25
Nitirite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 400ppm
Magnesium - 1260ppm

Okay so the PH seems to be rising and the KH decreasing, what could be causing this?
Is this normal?

I currently have turbo snails, babaylonian whelks, a conch and 2 shrimp as my CUC.
I havent had any diatom outbreak yet but I have serious green algae problems, not sure what type it is, looks like grass all over the LR.
I will post pics tonight.
Could anyone please let me know about my tank as I am scared that my livestock might die??
Thanks alot
anyhelp will be appreciated
The increase in magnesium helps allow more bicarbonate as opposed to carbonate to stay free in solution thus leading to a higher pH but still a lower total alkalinity.

Algae sounds like a hair algae or byropsis of some sort, pics would be able to tell for sure. Chemically your tank is fine, leave it be :)
Ok thanks Ski. Here are some pics of my tank ( it is very green :blink: ):




Definitely looks like a hair algae. Not byropsis though, it's too thin. Are your big Astrea/Trochus snails eating it?
Slowly but surely they seem to be!! I really need some different kinds of snails apart from them, maybe get some trochus tomorrow or maybe a green emerald crab? What is your opinion on the emerald crab will eat things I don't want it to eat or will it in general be handy?
I have alot of turbo's at the moment and they don't seem to be doing a great job!!!!! How long does it usually take CUC to clear algae from the tank?
Thanks Ski
Well just tested my tank again all readings are the same except the KH has decreased again to 11.8. Hopefully it will start levelling out soon!!!!
Slowly but surely they seem to be!! I really need some different kinds of snails apart from them, maybe get some trochus tomorrow or maybe a green emerald crab? What is your opinion on the emerald crab will eat things I don't want it to eat or will it in general be handy?
I have alot of turbo's at the moment and they don't seem to be doing a great job!!!!! How long does it usually take CUC to clear algae from the tank?
Thanks Ski

Astrea snails are good algae eaters, also blue leg hermits love the stuff . Mythrax crabs are good to have around, and apart from having a liking for any small clams that are in the tank, they have never harmed any of my corals or other livestock in the tank. They will nibble on weed from time to time if there isnt enough algae to keep them going, but you can add dried seeweed to the tank to help with a blanced diet for them. They are good for clearing the places that the snails and hermits wont go, under rock work and in cracks etc.
Ok so a quick update with pics.
My test results today are:
S.G - 1.024
PH - 8.3-8.6
KH - 10.8
Ammonia - <0.25
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 390
Magnesium - 1110

I am doin 15-20% water changes every week. The algae is getting better then worse then better etc!!!
The good news tho is where the algae is being eaten CORALINE is growing woooooo!!!

Here are some pics:
Full tank shot

Is this Calupera in the middle?????

Feather duster





Sid the cleaner shrimp

Any comments or advice on how and when the algae will disappear will be appreciated!!!
Thanks :good:
Hey Gordon,
A good tool to have in the arsenal against hair algae and the like is a hard bristle toothbrush, Scrub your rock every now and then and use a piece of airline alongside acting as a syphon. Have a bucket with a pair of ladies tights stretched over the rim and syphon all the gunk into this. Return the water to the tank.
I was plagued with the stuff in the early days but now its almost under control. Also your snails are Astrea snails whilst they are good they are nowhere near as effective as the proper Turbos. I have two in my Nano now and boy they can bulldoze that algae.
I am also in the process of finishing my under tank sump which will incorporate Cheato (Macro algae) lights will be on 24/7 ( 18w daylight energysaver bulb) which will starve the hair algae in the main tank. I also use Rowaphos to try and keep phosphate levels in check.
I hope this was of some help.
Thanks for the reply Big C I will try the toothbrush trick. I use ROWAphos and chaeto at the moment but the chaeto is not lit on reverse or 24hrs at the moment so is only growing very slowly. Hmmmm true turbo's. I can't seem to find any sites that sell them in the UK, can you recommend any?
SKI is this new tank syndrome or do I have excess nutrients, all my readings are 0 and I use RO water with a TDS of 0 for water changes????? Also is there anything else on what Big C has said to win the war against this stuff???
Thanks guys
Hi Gordon,
:lol: Ski gave me that idea in the first place....
Cheato needs to be lit on the reverse or 24 hours in order to be effective by using up neutrients which would otherwise be available to the problem algae.
A for the Turbo snails bearing in mind they get big and really do bulldoze (make sure your rockwork is stable) Reef Critters have them and I have delt with them in the past. They are good.

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