New Tank Friend


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2005
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I know it’s not really for this forum, but I bought an apple snail today. One of my tanks (5 gallon) was getting a bit of allege and had just got done reading about how apple snails don’t bread with themselves, so figured what the heck. I just didn’t want to end up with hundreds of snails. :blink:

This guys BIG, I ask for the biggest one in there since I figured he would have the best chance to not become dinner. I remember reading a post here where a betta was actually picking up snails and smashing them on the glass to eat them!! Yikes! :sly:

I’m actually surprised at how fast the guy moves around. I look at the tank and he’s on one side, I look away for a moment or two an then he’s on the other side. Strangely enough he’s gone unnoticed as of yet though… no attacks. ;)
I had apple snails once and I have to admit- they were a trip. I actually enjoyed them, but I also kept a betta in that tank and he tortured them ruthlessly, snapping at their feelers/eyes/whatever. The betta eventually moved out but the snails got quite large...until I moved a snail crazy pleco in to stay temporarily. Things went badly after that.
I have apple snails in all my tanks (apart from the betta tanks) and they can move around quickly depending on how warm the water is, in the female betta tank I've got frogs and they seem to be OK at them moment with them :/ .
Apple snails are great, but they are VERY messy. I'm now wishing I never got them, but I'm attached, so they're not going anywhere, hehe. Bettas are generally ok with applesnails, but I do have one betta that has lost his snail privelegdes and I've taken his snail away and put it in a safe tank.
Apple snails eat live plants, no? I would love an apple snail or two, I'm just worried about my plants being eaten up.
wuvmybetta – That’s exactly what I’m afraid will happen! Those little feelers just look like little worms wiggling around in the water. So I’m keeping a close eye on the little slimmer for now… that’s what I’ve been calling the snail, slimmer. :lol:

BrookeLea - From what I’ve read it depends on the type of apple snail you get. Some will only eat rotting plants and fish food, others will tear your planted tank to pieces. I got all my information from here

Karah's_Mommy – I guess they are a blessing and a curse then. My glass has barely any algae anymore, but lots of snail poop. I suppose it all depends on which you want ot clean hm? :p hehe

Something interesting that I read on the site above was like Amerce mentioned, the warmer the water the faster they move. But the warmer the water also means the shorter the life span. Since the warmth speeds up their life cycle. This got me thinking… is that true for other cold blooded creatures too, for example bettas? I’ve never seen anything mentioned about it, so I highly doubt it. But the question crossed my mind. To quote the page:

The apple snail's life expectancy mainly depends on the temperature of their environment and the general life conditions. At lower temperatures, the apple snail can get over 3 years old and records of apple snails of ten years old have been reported. Lanistes nyassanus has an estimated life span of 5 to 10 years in Lake Malawi, Africa.
At a temperature of 25°C, they will only live 12-16 months. At higher temperatures, the snails are more active because their metabolism increases with the temperature, but this also speeds up their life cycle and thus shortens their life expectancy.
So you can elongate your snail's life by lowering the temperature. A general rule: keep the temperature between 18 and 28°C (65-82°F).

^ thats my apple snail, its fairly large, quite fast and LOVES cucumber.
Its strange, the snail and my ADF (african dwarf frog) get on really well, the frog/snail follows the other one about, and they often stay near each other, great to watch, esp when the frog jumps up to the surface and lands back down the snails shell and the snail goes around the tank with the ADF on its back. lol.
Thanks nino and Silvani! I'm going to go check out those links now. I'm excited that I may actually be able to get one! :D
What do you feed apple snails? Will they go with any of the fish in my 10g or long 20g (see sig)?
Apple snails will eat fish food that sinks to the bottom and algae/dyeing plants. It’s a good idea to give them some greens too like cucumber or lettuce once in a while. Or heck even some peas, and then the betta can have a snack too. :)

I do not know what fish they can and can’t go with other than bettas and goldfish. You may want to check the page above or ask in the forums for the fish you have if they will get along. The only fish I have are bettas and goldfish so that is all I’ve ever researched.

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