New Tank For Giraffe Catfish


New Member
Dec 26, 2005
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I have a giraffe catfish of around 8-10" in length in my 3ft 6 inch tank. When he grows too large for it i wish to upgrade my tank.

Would a 6ft tank be big enough? or am i better going bigger.

What do u believe to be a suitable size for the fish in both water volume and dimensions.

Many Thanks
You will certainly need to think bigger than 6 foot, Giraffe catfish grow to around 3 feet and can easily reach at least 2 feet in captivity, a tank of around 8x3x2 feet (360 gallons roughly) is prefferable.
they have a huge giraffe cat in MA enfield has anyone seen it?its in a 6x2x2 and does not look happy at all so i would have to agree with will need a custom tank with more width than the standard 24".
can we see some pics they are great catfish

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