New Tank For Fry Or Pregnant Fish?


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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i took ur advice and my boyfriend bought a new tank, its not huge but went its not gonna b used full time it surely doesnt matter?

now i need 2 make a decision on whether 2 let the fish give birth in the main tank then move babies 2 new tank OR move pregnant fish to new tank then transfer babies to a net in main tank?

which would be most suitable?
cheerz guys XXXXX
i always let my fish give birth in the main tank, moving her can cause her to abort,
if you have floating plants in the main tank you will find a lot of fry hide in this, then you can soop them in to a breeder net or fry tank. make sure they cant get in to any filters. hth donna x. :)
i agree with donna. but i do put the mom in a small tank to birth.. only becaus i have an angel in my main tank with a BIG belly, if you know what i meen.
well i have the new tank all set up n ready to go jus didnt know whether to put mum in there or w8 then jus put babies in, as i would like as many babies as poss. to survive! :good:

another thing of my platys also looks pregnant, its very round and hides in the plants, BUT has a more pointed than round fin under her/its belly..i thought this meant it was male, am i being stupid? lol is it jus a fat male or a pregnant female with wierd fin? haha
need sum suggestions guys please as fish look like theyre gonna pop soon
I would agree with the others and let her give birth in the main tank...pregnant livebearers are delicate creatures and moving them is a gamble no matter what. Better to net the clever babies that manage to survive than risk losing the whole batch and stressing mom in the move.

As for the platy, usually the gonopodium is very hard to's distinctly different from the female fin (long and seperate from the body rather than fanned out), and tends to randomly move of its own volition. It's possible that it's a female with somewhat pointy fin, or a male that's a little bloated or something. I have a female whose anal fin got nipped and she looked very much like a boy for weeks. Hard to say without being able to see it. If you could get a picture, someone could probably tell you for sure. :)

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