New Tank For A Friend?

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
I own a freshwater tank and it is one of the best things i have ever spent my money on. My friend really wants one but is a little iffy on if she wants to spend the amount of money required for one. Is there anything that I can tell her to convince her to get one or anywhere that has amazing deals on a 10 gallon tank with a starter kit? (In the US) :) I really believe she would love having one. She is an animal lover like me and I love my fish more than I ever thought I could.

Thanks! :)
I don't think you can persuade her as you have to want one yourself also if you did put pressure on her and she caved in she may inadvertently neglect the fish because her heart wouldn't be in it as much as people like us.
If there's a Craigslist near your area, then you may be able to find some good deals. But caveat emptor.

I have a friend who wants to set up a cheap, low-maintenance self-sustaining planted aquarium in her entertainment center where the tv would go. I had to explain that such a setup is not only implausible for a first time fishkeeper, but would likely require reinforcing the stand and would be expensive & maintenance heavy for a good while. I mention this because your friend has to understand that there probably will be a good amount of money and effort involved in getting a good tank running, but it's so worth it.

Fish are the most frustrating and most relaxing pets I've had. They're often seen as kinda vague, interchangeable creatures but the more time you spend with them the more you are able to spot their personalities. You really can develop a bond with them, even hand feeding them. It's a good feeling to have your fish swim up and greet you when you get home, even if you know they just want some noms.

I would recommend your friend start with a tank bigger than 10 gallons.
The initial cost of setting up a tank can be offputting. If they want to do it on the cheap crailglist is a good site, also it is garage sale season right now. My sister managed to pick up a 20 gal with a filter and heater for $25 at a garage sale.
thank you for replying :) she really wants one once i told her a few good deals i found. And i also told her how much i love fish because of all the individual characters they have and how i was actually able to eventually train them to do certain things...i am about to have some baby balloon mollies born and i can only keep them for a few months becuase I can't have them mate in my tank...haha...thats too many babies...i told her she has to hurry and get one because i wont give her one until her tank is stable and cycled.. i know she would love them and care for them because she has a betta and she really enjoys him and takes excellent care of him. she is really excited to get one. She just needs her moms permission now :)

Thanks so much :)

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