New Tank Filter Options


Mostly New Member
Feb 26, 2016
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Hi all I'm new to the forum but have had a few fish in the past but relatively inexperienced.

I have 2 tanks an aqua expert 70 and a AquaOne AquaNano 22 I notice in the second mentioned there is a filter sponge and to layer of filter one with activated carbon and the other with white pellets attached what is the best way to replace them. Is there a cost effective way as with my other tank I was told to run water through the sponge and add new activated carbon monthly by re stuffing the sponge is there any way to do similar or something more effective or do I need to buy new trays? Monthly/6 weekly?

Thank you for. Any help. Given
hello and welcome.
I'm not familiar with either of these tanks but I can tell you that you should never follow the manufacturer's advice on filter media. They will tell you that the sponges need to be replaced every so often (it varies according to the brand) but this is a ploy to keep you spending money. The media (sponges etc) does not need to be replaced unless it is literally falling to pieces. All it needs is gently swish and squeeze in old tank water when you do your water changes and then it can be put back into place. 
Hope that helps :)
The aqua expert 70 us a super fish tank exclusive to Maidenhead aquatics and the other is a small aqua one aquanano 22

I was told refreshing the activated carbon was most important thing but in the aqua one aquanano 22 I can't see how to replace the carbon on ceramics with buying new expensive cartridges I have links to both products below and thanks for your comments

the carbon is not needed. The only time you need carbon is if you have medicated the tank. Carbon's only real use is to remove medications.
If you have any questions - no matter how silly they might seem ask them here. Have you had a look at our beginners section? There's some fantastic information there :)
But the carbon comes in the filter in the aqua expert I thought it removed negitive things from the water
they often put carbon in as part of the filter set up but as I said - it's not really needed unless you have added a medication. Carbon has no other properties other than soaking up things like medication and it's only really active for around a week or so.
You would be better to remove the carbon sponge and add a basic sponge in it's place. This will take up vital bacteria colonies and help to keep the tank cycled alongside the other media. The more media, the more beneficial bacteria, the better the cycle, especially if you go on to add bacteria heavy fish such as bristlenose pleco's.
Hope that helps :)

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