New tank diasaster

It only say's renew because they want more money. I've only ever change an insert once.

Save some money and just rinse it in the old tank water as Anna says ;)
Faye have you tested your water Conditions yet. its best to buy your own test kits for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and ph. As your tank is still in the early stages of the Nitogen Cycle which i asume you've read a article as a link was posted earlier. While your Ammonia is high your ph will also be high but this will drop when your Ammonia drops. How much depends on the water hardness of your water but thats a subject for later on. I'm sure Ammonia has a ph of 11 so you will see why your ph will be up during the early stages. Your Platties would be enough to cycle your tank if you return the rest of the fish to your LFS. Dont feel to bad about whats happened as it happens to most new fishkeepers and its the LFS thats at blame not you. The stocking level for a 10 Gallon tank would be 10" of fish if there is 10gallons of water in the tank but as you've got orniments, plants and gravel that also take up room the more realistic level is 8" of fish in a newly cycled tank of the size of your tank. IMO you should cycle your tank with 4 Danio's or three small Platties. Hth
Hello to all,
Just wanted to give an update.  Ammonia level is 6 hopefully it will continue to come down.  Nitrates are within normal limits.    ph is is at 6.8.  Hardness has gone from very hard to hard.   Ick seems to be under control.  However one platties has a white fluff on his back near his tail fin.  I think this probalby is a secondary infection due to him having ick and having water quaility issues.  I will need to treat him for fungus tomorrow.  I bought some dannios and aquatic plants and everything is starting to look better.  Oh by the way.  The fish love the bannana plants.  They have been acting like little hogs.  They love swimming in and out of the plants.  So all this said I am cautiously optomistic.  

8)  :thumbs:
:) Things seem to be going fine Faye. Remember my quote and you won't go far wrong. :grin: Mac.
If your Ammonia is dropping keep a close eye on your ph as this could crash. Do you know the kh & gh of your tank water. For a stable ph your kh is best above 4degs. Hope all goes well now.
Hello to all,

My tank has cycled.  Ammonia is 0.  Nitrates are good.  Ph is 7.0.  Alkanity and buffering are good.  Fish are doing well.  
:D   I am now take weekly water samples.  A big thanks to everyone for their help and support.

Thanks again,

Faye :love:
Hi Faye,

Congrats on getting this far :D

Only one concern - do you have a Nitrite (NO2) reading?

The ammonia spike is now over (stage one of the cycle -your nitrosomonas bacteria colony has built up enough to convert ammonia to nitrite), but if you don't have readings for your nitrite its possible that the nitrite spike may now be in progress. Stage two of the cycle - your nitrobacter bacteria colony has to build up enough to convert nitrite (NO2) into nitrate (NO3).

(sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs :) )

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