Help please!! 2 weeks ago I set up a 10 gal tank. Being a novice and getting some bad advice. I now have problems. I started off with 2 tetras, 2 danios, 2 cherry barbs, and a algea eater. The 2 dannios died. I took them back and got 2 gold platys, 2 orange platys, 1 white platy with a black tale, 5 dannios, and 4 ghosts shrimp. All the dannios died plus the 2 gold platys. I bought the playts not knowing they had ick at the time. So now I am treating the fish with "Copper safe" I did have my water tested at a pet shop and found out that my ammonia and ph are high. I have brought my ph down some with "correct ph" it is s at 7.4 this morning. I am still having problems with ammonia. Pet store told to do a 50% water change and use ammonia lock 2. I did that and my ammonnia came down a little. Then it went back up again. Yesterday I did a 25% water change and now the ammonia is at 8ppm. I used ammonia lock 2 yesterday. I don't know what to do know. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I have used stress zyme and start right when I am adding new water.
P.S. I have used stress zyme and start right when I am adding new water.