Ya in this hobby you really need to be contious<*SPELLING*.... of anything that goes into the tank, i wouldnt dare use any cycling agents, or buffers for ammonia or to take chemicals down or raise them i prefer to do it naturally because if you are not totally sure what your going to cause, it can have bad effects like unstable chemicals or chain reactions anything that you might not expect to happen can and the only things i would dose are the bottles full of good products to help corals like calcium alk etc.... so you have to think of it as the ocean chemicals dont help the ocean heal itself and buffer itself, time patience and good water sources .ro filters and water changes can keep your tank looking and performing great. theres alot more but i cant say it in a few sentences. you really have to develop common sense with this and try to think if you were a fish, its not as easy as adding salt waiting then adding fish and expecting nothing to happen, it can waste alot of time and money without the proper research.... i have had my problems but nothing too bad i regretabley cycled my tank with fish wich now i feel like crap. those are the only fish i have killed, and a begginner has to start somewhere thats why you need easy begginner fish not some of the oceans most difficult *good luck*