New Tank - Choices - Tropical/coldwater


New Member
Dec 27, 2010
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My daughters purchased a Fluval edge aquarium for me for xmas (brilliant). Had a lrage tank a long long time ago.

Edge is only 6 US gallons (23 litres) so am undecided as to go tropical with it.

Could do with some advise on use of edge if anyone has one and how they use it - did think about using it as a reef tank, but unsure about marine use.

Am setting up with water this evening so have a week to make up my mind.

All/any advise greatly appreciated.

Definitely tropical! There are few coldwater fish which are suitable for it.

Here is how I would proceed:
1. Fishless cycle the aquarium (there are plenty of resources on this site which say how to do that). Takes about 4-5 weeks usually, but the alternative involves either a lot of hard work or dead fish.
2. Plant it and add fish.

For plants, I would look at Java moss and Anubias species, tied to bogwood.

For animals, I would stock 6 ember tetras and cherry shrimp.
I've always been a fan of mountain minnow, even the albino form look very attractive. I'd go for several of these perhaps. Also they are coldwater, so if you didnt fancy going warmer tropical you can have these no worries. Small fish are the way to go in a tank like this, and there are many different ones that would look stunning.

I'm a big fan of galaxy rasbora, or celestial danio as they are now known. Stunning small fish that would complement the tanks size well :)

The idea of cherry shrimp is very appealing, a group of these will be very at home in a tank this size. Maybe even add a nerite snail for something a little different. They always look good alongside cherrys IMO
I've always been a fan of mountain minnow, even the albino form look very attractive.

I am also a fan of them, but I did not suggest these as I feel they are too active for such a small tank.
I have 5 neon tetras swimming in mine.... I know not very exciting but they fit well and make me happy, thats all that matters!
I've always been a fan of mountain minnow, even the albino form look very attractive.

I am also a fan of them, but I did not suggest these as I feel they are too active for such a small tank.

I agree with Kitty Kat; White Clouds might be small in size, but they do need a lot of swimming space (same as with zebra danios). Ember (or other tiny) tetras or celestial danios or cherry shrimp are the best for the Edge tank IMO.
One of our members had a Marine edge...

she is a very experience fish keeper, i personally wouldn't go down the marine route, but it has been done.
thank you some great advise -

Tank has water almost to top now with one live plant in it, cycling ongoing but need a bit more landscaping yet.

Think tropical is the way I am going

thanks again

What about going for something in the middle. If you set the temp to 22c you could have
2 Badis (theres lots or types but pretty much every type your likely to find will work fine)
3 Hara hara or Hara jerdoni
6 Boraras merah or Boraras urophthalmoides or Boraras micros or Boraras maculatus or my favourite Boraras brigittae
What about going for something in the middle. If you set the temp to 22c you could have
2 Badis (theres lots or types but pretty much every type your likely to find will work fine)
3 Hara hara or Hara jerdoni
6 Boraras merah or Boraras urophthalmoides or Boraras micros or Boraras maculatus or my favourite Boraras brigittae

Thanks - found I already had a snail _ baby one, must have been on the live plant.
Went for 4 guppies in the end - seem to be doing quite nicely.
I also have a fluval edge tank, mine currently contains 4 Siamese fighters (betta splendens, 1 male, 3 female), and they fit in beautifully with the modern decor of the tank without overstocking what little space I have. The edge is ideal for bettas, as their natural home is within small puddles, slow moving streams and rice fields with very little room to maneuver. Bettas are a decision you will not regret, their docile and lazy nature making a small tank ideal.
By the way, don't believe any of the rubbish about Siamese fighters being highly aggressive, this is only towards other male fighters, large tailed fish which look like fighters (such as guppies) and (occasionally) towards pregnant females.

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