New Tank Build


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2011
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hi just thought id share my tank build with you as i go,

a couple of days ago i got the go ahead from my partner to make a new tank for the bedroom so straight away i was up and measuring sideboards dressers excetra to see where i could put one.
i decided to go with the set of draws by the tv which is 725mm x 370mm give or take.
day 1
i have in my head an idea and while at work i start sketching doodles while my boss's are in the office :D
day 2
ive always wanted a planted tank so this time im going for it and ive spotted a cheap large bonsai tree which im going to kill off and use to attach aquarium plants to my little underwater tree,
tree purchased de-potted and soaking in a container of dechlorianted water in the kitchen.
day 3
so im making my tank 700mm long x 325 deep x 460 high roughly working out to be 100ltrs.
with black compact laminate (completly water proof)edging
all pieces cut to size and brought home for the mrs to approve


more to come ....
I like it a lot :) :good: :D
I'm currently building a stand for my aquarium and I'm pretty excited for it so i can only imagine you, building it all from scratch :)
yeah i am killing a live tree but its in the interest of my fish to be lol
cheers krystak hope your stand goes well i made my last tak but its got a powdercoated steel frame with sliding mirror doors
i dont think people realise how easy they are to build you get the glass cut to size and all you do is silicone it together abit scary when you first fill it up though lol :D
what you making it out of ?
Would it not be easier (and possibly safer for your fish) to just buy a rooty bit of bogwood and growing your plants on that? I'm sure you could get the effect of a bonsai tree without having to use an actual bonsai tree. In fact, when you google aquascaping, it's one of the first things that comes up.
Wood to be used in your tank should be dead, and long dead at that. The sap and any fungal spores will play havoc with your water quality.
i plan on soaking it boiling it then baking it in the oven to ensure anythings dead and its goin to be a while before the tank is up and running so will keep an eye on water quality
Don't boil wood; it cooks it and causes it to rot much more quickly.
ok cheers so just baking it i read an article sayin boiling wood would kill any germs but dont want it rotting thanks.

also my partner really likes the thought of keeping discus so i have a couple of questions if someone could help :D

1 is r.o water really necessary or are lfs's just trying to make abit more money
2 would 2 discus be ok in a 100ltr aquarium
3 what small shoaling fish would be ok to keep with them

and 4 is there any aquatic plants that dont require co-2 or will i get a better aquascape using co-2

thanks in advance :good:

and 4 is there any aquatic plants that dont require co-2 or will i get a better aquascape using co-2

thanks in advance :good:

Amazon swords, hygrophilas, vallis, cryptos, java ferns & mosses, hornwort & cambomba dont need co2 but will grow stronger with

wicked thank you very much for the info im going to start the build today after the rugbys finished and baking the bonsai while im here to keep an eye on it :D

which moss would you recomend to look most natural like a tree top thanks again :D
abit of an update..
today i have baked the bonsai tree for a few hours
i also started the tank assembly but unfortunatly ran out of aqua safe silicone so its been assembled but isnt fully internally sealed will have to buy some more silicone tomorrow as shops are now shut :(
cant wait for it to be all sealed up and give it ago not feeling to confident in the perspex im using to be honest as ive only ever used glass in the past but only one way to find out
ill keep u posted :D
bad news im affraid to say used some stupid tape to hold glass together and couldnt get the glue off so brought home some glue remover which unfortunatly doesnt agree with perspex and has melted through the top layer leaving it all merky and hard to see through so am now putting it on hold for a few days until i can get the same sizes in glass il stick to what i no but i wont be beaten lol :D

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