New Tank Build


Fish Crazy
Aug 25, 2006
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okay. after completing the 44g cube, i decided i want more. instead of trying to build an oak fascia on the current 110/44 setup, i am planning something bigger and better! i already started work on the tank that will replace both of these. it will be a 220g cube!

right now i have a 90g with dimensions 48" long and 22" high on a beautiful oak stand with a matching canopy. i will take this tank apart and use the front and back 48" length pieces, then use identical sized pieces for the sides. so the new tank will measure 48"x48"x22"! I will also use the existing oak stand, and build off of it from the back with 2x6's and cover them with the same oak panel finish, and add side entrance cabinets. will do the same for the canopy. this is very exciting. i will probably use the 44 cube for the sump (not sure yet), and use the same refugium i already built. i hope to accomplish a beautiful reef with lots of depth, and it will be viewable on 3 sides.
haha here you go..first batch of pics

here is the glass (minus the 48"x48" bottom piece)...spent all day unassembling a 90g and a 75g for their two long sides which will make the 4 sides for the new tank...that plastic trim is a pain in the ass! and forget a razor blade i just broke the small sides with a hammer and pryed the glass chunks off of the pieces i need..


and here is the oak stand/canopy from the 90g...the rest of the stand will be built off of this!


being on a tight budget inspires creativity!

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