New Tank.... Beginner Stockin Ideas

The Walrus

New Member
May 4, 2006
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Hi there, I have many empty tanks and I decided to use this 33 gallon tank (maybe more and probably is) to keep tropical fish.

I am not new to the fish hobbyist world but new to the tropical fishes. I've been keeping goldfish for quite some time now (about 4-5 years). They are kept in a large 90 gallon tank.

I wanted to keep/try tropical fish. I already know that i need a heater and i dont need help about cycling fishtanks.

i wanted some suggestions for

A. Filters - I haven't used any other filters except for canister filters (Fluval 304 x2)
B. Gravel or Sand/ Subtrate - I want sand but I don't have any experience with it.
C. Stocking - Look below
D. Lighting - I want some plants, but never had to buy a specialized plant light, i just had a stock light with the 90 gallon so i had low light plants

I want to keep small fish because I want a community, therefore i want to keep as much fish without it being too crowded. ANY SUGGESTIONS????

I already know I want a school of Cories. Maybe a few amano shirmps when I get plants, of if I do.
A) Can't really help you there
B) Just clean sand as you would gravel, that's what I do. Also make sure when you clean the tank that the sand doesn't scratch up on the side of the tank
C) Tetras, danios, livebearers, barbs, rasboras, etc.; find out what you like and make sure it stays small
D) You want a light that will be efficient for the plants you keep

A) Can't really help you there
B) Just clean sand as you would gravel, that's what I do. Also make sure when you clean the tank that the sand doesn't scratch up on the side of the tank
C) Tetras, danios, livebearers, barbs, rasboras, etc.; find out what you like and make sure it stays small
D) You want a light that will be efficient for the plants you keep

That face is supposed to be a b.
thanks for the tips

i have changed my stocking ideas.... i want to keep it a "Cat family" tank. Like Shoals of cories & upside down catfishes, and maybe 2 oto cats...

are they compatible, water conditions like?
thanks for the tips

i have changed my stocking ideas.... i want to keep it a "Cat family" tank. Like Shoals of cories & upside down catfishes, and maybe 2 oto cats...

are they compatible, water conditions like?

Don't know about the upside down cats, but the others should be fine.
i had upsidedown cat in my community, mine was pretty peaceful and got on fine with other fish big and small, grows to about 4 inches, and quite shy, likes places to hide.
Before considering any fish, you need to fishless cycle the tank (once it's set up with a filter and heater). Read through the links in my signature. If you have questions after that about how to do the cycle (or anything else), of course, you may ask lol

Later on, if you're still considering a catfish tank, visit the catfish section of the forum to ask specific questions. Having said that, I'd expect you do change your mind quite a few times between now and the cycle being completed so research, ask questions and take your time on deciding. Impulse buys and stocking is always regretable :p
lol thats ok, i dont need any help on cycling, like i said before i've kept fish and tanks for a while now
perosnally i would go with white clouds, neon tetras n paradise fish. probly the easyiest mayb some mollyies but i depends on the size of ur tank. the rule of tumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon so dont overstock. i started with neon tetras n a dwarf gourami for my first tank and then moved on from there. sand will be fine. personally id go with a power filter it does the job and is alot cheaper then a canister. make sure u have lighting on at night and ur plants should do fine. as an extra u might want to add some plant fertilizer to the substrate...GOOD LUCK! :good:

Connor :good:
sorry cant help,im a newb but keen to see what you get


how about a hoplo cat to go with the corys,thats what i have my eye on
will some plants have trouble rootin in sand b/c it was too loose?

wats a hoplo cat?

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