New Tank And Stand


Fish Fanatic
Mar 4, 2006
Reaction score
New Jersey, America
Our first stand, before the leak, dug itself deep into the carpet keeping it from being too wobly. We bought a new tank and stand after returning the old stuff. The new stand and tank has a flat bottom meaning it won't have much digging ability this time around.
How would I stabilize it?
I'm still going to attach it to the wall to keep it from tipping forward.
Anyone with carpet under their 26g+ tanks please chime in on how you leveled it.
I had an issue like this once. My tank and stand leaned foward ever so slightly. I pushed carefully....and I mean carefully, on the tank and stand and slid a long strip of cardboard under the front of the stand and hid it under the wood. This fixed the problem for a while. Then, I found a long strip of rubber and replaced the cardboard.....worked like a champ and hasn't leaned since. :nod:
I'm just worried about shimming it and causing stress on areas where the stand will be floating in certain areas.

Like this.

A pully system would work great.

BTW make sure the stand is level before you put the tank on. And if there is a gap between the middles put styro foam or something
I would level the floor itself if the floor is uneven and the problem with somthing like concrete, and then just put the carpet back after everything is finished, it will work out best in the long term i think :) .
ps: is the floor underneif concrete or wood etc?
If you are worried about the gap, put some shims where the gap is. Look in the window & door section of Home Depot or Menards, a bundle costs a buck.

I have a 65 in my living room on a carpet. I just shimmed the outside corners that needed it. I built the stand myself, the way commercially made stands are built makes me nervous.
I would level the floor itself if the floor is uneven and the problem with somthing like concrete, and then just put the carpet back after everything is finished, it will work out best in the long term i think :) .
ps: is the floor underneif concrete or wood etc?

It's the second floor, so wood. We can't modify anything on the floor.
The door & window shims are about an inch wide, 6 inches long, & taper from around 1/8" thick at one end to less than 1/64" at the other. You slide them under until their snug, give them a little tap, then score at the edge of the stand & snap off the excess.

I got a plastic desk mat that is usually found under wheeled chairs in offices for under my 65. Spilled water on white carpeting sounded like bad news, spilled tank water on any carpeting smells like bad news.

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