Before we begin:
All water parameters are within a good range. We’ve been testing the water daily, and the temp is 75-78.
Ok! So we have two 20gallons and with our recent decision to move, we decided to consolidate to a 40. We set up the 40, treated the water, put the filter in, let it cycle... all was well. Then, we did a water change and added one tank of fish... over night we lost all 6 of our glass catfish. We assumed that with how sensitive they are, it was stress. Huge bummer but safe to assume stress.
Now we are losing our long finned tetras.. one by one. We have a bristlenose Pleco and a rope fish. Along with nerites, one apple snail and Assassin snails.
again. The water is great! So any thoughts? I’m thinking a bacterial issue. Which means a water change is happening again today..
However. We have another tank to add! I believe my husband may have added some gravel from that tank, the other one. (he had good intentions..) but I think that’s what caused the issues.
how can we avoid losing any other fish!!?? They are going into quarantine this week, and then will be added.