New tank Algae!!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2004
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My new tank is in the later stages of cycling.. Ammonia reads 0 - .3 and nitrite spiked and is declining and nitrates are threw the roof lol.. like over 110..

anyhow i'm starting to get murky water... lots of brown dust covering plants and bogwood.. is that normal?

my ph is 7.6 (cause of ammonia being added)
temp 78
Amm 3ppm ( i add to make it so)
nitrite .8 - 1.. was 3.3
nitrate 110+

Lighting period 11 hours.. 160watts. 2x Aqua-glo's, 2x 6500k phillips daylight bulbs..

Substrate 80lbs of Sand/gravel
2 large pieces of Malaysian driftwood
some river rocks..
and about 2 dozen live plants..

Fluval 404 with surface skimmer

It's perfectly normal during the establishment of the cycle, particularly in new tank with a lot of excess silicon from the sealants. It will clear up on it's own in a few weeks.
How big's the tank?

That's a lot of lighting and 11 hours is not going to help the algae problem at all, try reducing the time the lights are on to about 8 hours.
Also, the extremely high nitrate levels in your tank is fueling the algae and could be inhibiting the growth of your beneficial bacteria, you really need to do some water changes to bring that level down.

You really need to wait until the fishless cycle finishes before you do water changes, or you only prolong the time and you are nearing completion, as evidenced by your nitrite spike falling and the ammonia almost dropping to zero. Most times when people mess up their fishless cycle, it's because they did water changes at the wrong stage and stalled out the process. This algae is normal at this stage, will go away on it's own in a few weeks, and the nitrate levels will be corrected before you add fish. With plants in the tank you should have the lights on for 10 to 12 hours a day.

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