New Stocking Plan


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
Ok, ive had quite a few ideas with my tank, and i havent really come to any definate stocking ideas, but as my tanks halfway through its cycle, im thinking of gettin a Datnioides quadrifasciatus or a Narrow bar dat (sorry dont know scientific name, could be Datnioides microlepis or Datnioides undecimradiatus) at 8-9cm when bought. Then what else would i stock the tank with, i know the dat couldnt stay in there for its entire life, but apparently they grow very slowly?

So im thinking along the lines of Snakeheads, Peacock spiny eels and cats, like pims etc. as tankmates

Any other ideas, or ammouts of fish stated?

Any problems?

Thanks alot, Mikey
yep they do grow very slowly and 8cm is fairly small so you could grow them out for a long time in your many were you thinking of getting?also what are the tank dimensions?
Dat's need a bit of salt in their water (brackish fish y'know?).

And I for see the Snake head eating everyone.
Well, the tanks 38 us gallons, and the diamensions are: 81Lx36Wx50H, so not a very big foot print, but has reasonable hight, hence trying to use some middle/upper dwelling fish...
Ive been advised by the Dat master, T1K, that a Datnioides quadrifasciatus will be fine in FW, even though they are true BW fish...
I wouldnt think that the snakehead (Channa Gachua) which only get to about 8" in aquaria, so i think it'll only be that big when really old, and everything will be big enough to handle him/her by then...
Also, Pims are pretty bulky fish, as are the deep bodied tigers too, so i think theyd be ok...

What id like to do would be to get 1 Datnioides quadrifasciatus at about 8cm, 1 Dwarf Snakehead (Channa Gachua) prob about same/less, 1 Peacock spiney eel and then a pim Pictus, allthough people have conflicting messages about them being in small groups...? I can rehome any fish once they get too big or too aggressive...

Many thanks, Mikey
i have kept pictus cats in groups before and they dont seem to enjoy each others company at all.i kept one on its own too and it seemed much happier
Really, see thats why i get confused, because people seem to have differant experiances with them...
Apparently, after asking in the catfish forum, they wouldnt be ok in my size tank anyway, because they need a 4'x1'...
Im sure though if i got only one, and see how it went then it would be ok...i could allways take it back, or get it some more friends if needs be.

Thanks alot, Mikey
when i kept a group of pictus they all kept away from each other and constantly bickered about hiding spots they did not seem to enjoy eachothers company at all.but maybe that is how they are supposed act like i dont know.
Yeah, probalby. I mean, in the wild, they have as much space to get away from eachother, so your average 32x14" piece of river, isnt going to contain 3 of them, cos theyre not shoalers...i guess :sly:

Mikey :good:
Pictus cats are loose schoolers meaning that they need to be in numbers to feel secure but wont shoal tightly like tetras or barbs do, really you want about 1 square foot of open tank floor space per pictus cat. They do bicker and chase each other around but it rarely if ever leads to actual violence, like with other schooling fish the dominant fish uses these tactics to keep its position in the group and make sure the others stay submisive. They also need space, these are not cave dwelling fish and they preffer to sit in the open facing the current waiting for food to be washed down towards them, keeping them in tanks with lots of bogwood and caves just cuts down on the free swimming space and forces them into each others areas, the tank should be left completely open in the front and middle areas of the tank with decore kept to a minimum in the rear corners.
I think my tankd be abit too small then, for me to have 3...

Thanks, Mikey
back to the drawing board mikey.i think a senagal bichir might work in your tank but im not sure
Yeah, looks like it...
But thankfully, the shop im getting my fish from (BAS) has some pretty cool and unusual fishes in...
They have a small eel, called a barred or yellow tailed spiny eel (Macrognathus Pancalus), which im sure i could have one of, and then theres this other small Snakehead (Channa Bleheri )...
They both get to smallish sizes, the Snakehead only 13.5cm and the eel only 18cm...
I know that i wouldnt be able to have 3 of each and a Dat, but if i got one of each and a dat, then couldi add something else???
I would like the pims, but clearly theyre too active, and i think adding a bichir might kill the snakehead or the Dat...
Preferably, id like something bottom dwellin, but surrface or middle would be fine too.
Any ideas?

Thanks alot, Mikey

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