Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Ok, ive had quite a few ideas with my tank, and i havent really come to any definate stocking ideas, but as my tanks halfway through its cycle, im thinking of gettin a Datnioides quadrifasciatus or a Narrow bar dat (sorry dont know scientific name, could be Datnioides microlepis or Datnioides undecimradiatus) at 8-9cm when bought. Then what else would i stock the tank with, i know the dat couldnt stay in there for its entire life, but apparently they grow very slowly?
So im thinking along the lines of Snakeheads, Peacock spiny eels and cats, like pims etc. as tankmates
Any other ideas, or ammouts of fish stated?
Any problems?
Thanks alot, Mikey
So im thinking along the lines of Snakeheads, Peacock spiny eels and cats, like pims etc. as tankmates
Any other ideas, or ammouts of fish stated?
Any problems?
Thanks alot, Mikey