New Stingray And!


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
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need some expert opinon just brought him home and acclimated and he swam up on the glass and hes all blush on his underside now ive have stingrays before but none like this I know its not good but is there any turning around or is he doomed!!! please help should I be calling them back?
What do you mean by all blush??? What type of ray is it? What size is your tank? And what are your prams?
Well i just got him hes a motoro teacup my params are 0 ammonia 0, 0 nitrite and 10 nitrate hes in a 220 gallon tank I just brought him home from the store and hes has a red underside.
Motoro teacup now thats a new one. Teacup is a name given to young rays that lfs dunno the sex of and they are usually yepezi simular. Motoro wouldnt be labled as teacup as they are easily id`d. What size is he as my pair of motoro pups are pinkish underneath as they are young. Do you have any pics of the ray.
yep here is a couple of pics of mine the first one is my motoro pup as you can see pinkish underneath the second is my peruvian motoro female she is a 10" disk not good pics but you get the idea.


im sorry how did you do that im not to great at this but i just did take some pics for you and what do you feed yours?
I upload them onto photobucket then post them on here. I thought you have kept rays before?
sorry man thought that all baby rays were called that so hes healthy thats good!!!!
i thought tea-cups was just another name for drwf rays
like; Potamotrygon laticeps and the reticulatis species.

We have henlei's at work and even they have some pink on the underneath when they first come in from import, and we also motoro's with same blemishes aswell.

don't suppose anyone knows where i can get leopoldi from? I know they are now listed, but i heard a rumour you can get them from Miami and Germany?

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