New Species Photos

Thanks every one for your nice coments :)

iloveyou,,,, in one tank I had 23 types of local fish from rivers here. In another tank I had 4 national Oscars witch I caught accidently with hook and line. A third tank, my favorite for Cichlids. I have collected 9 species of cichlids. I must say it is fun going out to small rivers to see what fish are in them.

noelberg,,,, glad too hear you like this Tetra. I am setting up a 200 liter (50 gallon) tank with the hope of breed them. This week end I will go get rocks and sand form the river to make the tank feel like home. It will not be long and I will be asking for advice about breed Tetras as I have never tried breading them befor. Oh,,, I need a name for them to.
Is it just me or do those tetra look exactly like feeder goldfish exept with the golden eye! hehe I just spent $125 a giant load of your kind of "feeder fish." (tetras, guppies)
Have you sent the pic to any institutes for identification?? Could be a released fish cross breeding with wild ones and causing an interesting mix!
Very nice looking fish. I can't wait to see some pics of them in the water. I love Tetras to, it would be cool if you found a new breed.

Looking forward to more pics!!!


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