Your fish also has a red body, the fish he posted does not, it has a metallic green body. The only red is on the fishes fin's, which to me looks like redwash, and from what I've read about redwash, it looks like a heavy case of it. The red is not uniform on all the finnage, which is what makes me feel it is instead redwash and not a multi.
Here is one of the best articles I have read concerning redwash, it gives visual aides..which really helps.
Question: I'm a little unclear regarding "red wash" when is it actually "red wash" and when
is it considered good coloring such as in a multi? How can you decipher the difference?
Multi: Fall under the category patterned.
Betta with 2 or more colors that do not fit into any other patterned category.
The color should be uniformed through out the finnage of the fish.
I'm sorry, but with like other 6 people with multiple spawns going right breed a non-quality, pet store variety fish just seems kinda irresponsible to me at this point. I'm wondering what is going to become of all these fish once they get of age to re-home...there are alot of members here..but not *that* many.
If you can't afford a nice pair of fish to start a new line with...should you really be starting that line? I mean, come on is $30 ($20 for the male and $10 for a girl) *that* much to spend?, I mean really? Not to mention several people have mentioned contacting local chapters of the IBC, who might even give/sell at a discount rate a pair of quality fish to start with.
I'm thinking if you can't afford the fish, how are you going to afford the other things that go along with the spawning? You yourself mentioned in another post of the hundreds of dollars it costs after the spawn is started (and before obviously)...if you're going to be chincy at the beginning..what are you going to do during the spawn? And if you are trying to start a whole new line (aka CTPK with DT gene) why start off on the wrong foot?