New Spawning Info I Need


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND

^^That is Smokey, my freinds betta. He is not to old, and will be able to be bred before June. So, I need to know a few things. If a breed a pure CT to a PK (DT geno), what will I get. And what is his color, I need to know that to. I'd just say meleno, but that dosen't seem right. Thank you.
BUMP (I dont' know the rules for bumping on this site, so plz don't yell at me)
Can anyone help? I need to get this info on my site asap.
CT to plakat will get you all long-finned combtails. He is a red multicolour.
Thank you! I can do the punnet squares now! But will they still have the DT gene?
Hmhm, OA you need to use photobucket :/
Funny thing is, Smokey is my bettas name, I'm not that freind, eh?
Ug, I hate this computer. :X

Edit: Oh wait. It says its a CT of w/e.
Ok, one last thing, Since it will be a PK (DT geno) to a CT, I'll get long-finned combtails, as Synirr said. But, will they also hold the PK gene? I use PK instead of ST
All will be plakat geno, but only half will be DT geno.
Exactly what are you going for here and why..color or finnage?

Because from what I can tell, that fish is eat up with redwash (he looks like a metallic green with heavy redwash on his finnage) and his rays aren't all that great either.

If you don't know what color he is, chances are you have no idea what colors he came with that in aren't going to have any idea what colors he may produce.

Also, Melano is a solid black fish.
I'm wondering same thing as SRC.

Petstore fish in general don't make good breeders unless they have a solid, defined color and/or the store can tell you that they came from a private breeder. At least then you would know they were semi-good stock.

Combtails would be hard to sell... they are about as common as Veiltails. In my opinion, you are breeding down. :look: You are taking two defined tail types and making a mutt fish with all sorts of mixed genes, which will probably come out multicolored with no specific pattern. If your goal is to eventually create a crowntail plakat... then k. But I'd still start with better stock to go with Synirr's fish. :thumbs:
Because from what I can tell, that fish is eat up with redwash (he looks like a metallic green with heavy redwash on his finnage) and his rays aren't all that great either.
With that much red, I definitely wouldn't call it wash... that is a multicolour fish, the red is a valid part of his pattern. His colours are actually very similar to some of my juvies:

He's not the best breeding stock you can get and it's pretty much worthless to breed him to plakat unless you're interested in starting a CT plakat line, but the colours are a pretty good match, assuming you want to breed red multis. We can't all afford to order the best stock on Aquabid, so all things considered, that guy isn't such a bad place to start.
Your fish also has a red body, the fish he posted does not, it has a metallic green body. The only red is on the fishes fin's, which to me looks like redwash, and from what I've read about redwash, it looks like a heavy case of it. The red is not uniform on all the finnage, which is what makes me feel it is instead redwash and not a multi.

Here is one of the best articles I have read concerning redwash, it gives visual aides..which really helps.
Question: I'm a little unclear regarding "red wash" when is it actually "red wash" and when
is it considered good coloring such as in a multi? How can you decipher the difference?

Multi: Fall under the category patterned.
Betta with 2 or more colors that do not fit into any other patterned category.
The color should be uniformed through out the finnage of the fish.

I'm sorry, but with like other 6 people with multiple spawns going right breed a non-quality, pet store variety fish just seems kinda irresponsible to me at this point. I'm wondering what is going to become of all these fish once they get of age to re-home...there are alot of members here..but not *that* many.

If you can't afford a nice pair of fish to start a new line with...should you really be starting that line? I mean, come on is $30 ($20 for the male and $10 for a girl) *that* much to spend?, I mean really? Not to mention several people have mentioned contacting local chapters of the IBC, who might even give/sell at a discount rate a pair of quality fish to start with.

I'm thinking if you can't afford the fish, how are you going to afford the other things that go along with the spawning? You yourself mentioned in another post of the hundreds of dollars it costs after the spawn is started (and before obviously)...if you're going to be chincy at the beginning..what are you going to do during the spawn? And if you are trying to start a whole new line (aka CTPK with DT gene) why start off on the wrong foot?
Your fish also has a red body, the fish he posted does not, it has a metallic green body.
It's very common for reds to have dark bodies and this can make it look green, especially with the pic being so dark, but green is invariably iridescent, and there are only iridescent highlights on the scales of that fish... besides, not all of mine came out with red bodies, and they're definitely still bicolour. This is what a fish that really has a green-blue body and red fins looks like:

I just think it's bicolour because the red is uniform throughout the fins from what I can see in that pic... it covers them completely. The base colour of that fish is red, I think it's the green overlay you're looking at that makes you think it's not uniform, but the green is patterened as well (see the stripes at the bases of the fins, like my boys have?) You can see that the redwash fish in the link you sent have an uneven pattern of red on their fins, whereas this fish does not... his fins are entirely red. Like I said, it's not the best fish in the world by any means, but it's not some horrible redwash ridden mutt.... just a regular mutt, lol :p

I think we take ourselves way too seriously when it comes to this spawning business, sometimes. I'd like to pretend that breeding mutt bettas is just as bad as puppy mills, but come on... it's not the same thing. I'd never recommend breeding VTs, and I do not recommend this breeding combo if oppositearmor isn't planning to start a CT plakat line, but if he is planning to, I don't think there's anything wrong with a novice breeder starting out slow with imperfect fish their first time around. It's not like he's thinking of breeding a white fish to a red fish or something similar just because that's all he can find; at least the colours match.
Your fish also has a red body, the fish he posted does not, it has a metallic green body. The only red is on the fishes fin's, which to me looks like redwash, and from what I've read about redwash, it looks like a heavy case of it. The red is not uniform on all the finnage, which is what makes me feel it is instead redwash and not a multi.

Here is one of the best articles I have read concerning redwash, it gives visual aides..which really helps.
Question: I'm a little unclear regarding "red wash" when is it actually "red wash" and when
is it considered good coloring such as in a multi? How can you decipher the difference?

Multi: Fall under the category patterned.
Betta with 2 or more colors that do not fit into any other patterned category.
The color should be uniformed through out the finnage of the fish.

I'm sorry, but with like other 6 people with multiple spawns going right breed a non-quality, pet store variety fish just seems kinda irresponsible to me at this point. I'm wondering what is going to become of all these fish once they get of age to re-home...there are alot of members here..but not *that* many.

If you can't afford a nice pair of fish to start a new line with...should you really be starting that line? I mean, come on is $30 ($20 for the male and $10 for a girl) *that* much to spend?, I mean really? Not to mention several people have mentioned contacting local chapters of the IBC, who might even give/sell at a discount rate a pair of quality fish to start with.

I'm thinking if you can't afford the fish, how are you going to afford the other things that go along with the spawning? You yourself mentioned in another post of the hundreds of dollars it costs after the spawn is started (and before obviously)...if you're going to be chincy at the beginning..what are you going to do during the spawn? And if you are trying to start a whole new line (aka CTPK with DT gene) why start off on the wrong foot?
YOU! I'd really apreciate it if you did not compent on anything I do any more! I'm a 13 year old boy, and your like what, 29?! None of you know what I am doing, and I will tell so you guys do not make all the comments I really hate right now!

I am trying to make a new type of finage. As I will get a male plakat (or DT) quite soon. So, after I spawn those two, I'm going to make a ST, or DT that has a remotely spikey fins. Maybe you guys don't like it, but I do! I've been doing all this studying, and all you give me is this crap!!! Sorry, but I am in the worst mood right now.

Ok, now it is comfirmed, I'm getting a ST Mustard Gas to breed. This should bring out some interesting stuff.

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