New Spawn!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Washington State
My first spawn has just recently hatched!! Mugen is running around like a chicken with his head chopped off XD Even though this is just the first hurdle.. I am truly psyched that they've made it this far. Here's a pic of him chasing fry around:

I keep reading about polystrene cups and bubble nests is that what you have used? Really silly query but which way have you cut it? :look:
I keep reading about polystrene cups and bubble nests is that what you have used? Really silly query but which way have you cut it? :look:

:D yeah.. this is styrofoam I think. It's a little bowl which I cut long ways towards the bottom and got a good domed chunk out of.
yay Mugen! ^_^ What a great Daddy.... I'm so excited to see how they all turn out. Will you be getting DT's?

Liz, you cut the styrafoam cup long-ways and cut off the bottom. Bettas like a variety of surfaces for bubblenests, but styrafoam cups are very popular. My boy had a styro cup, bubble wrap, Java Fern leaves and a large Indian Almond leaf to choose from in his spawn tank... he chose the IAL and the nest was huge and very stable.

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