Hi all, am new to the forum but have been keeping fish a while. Sorry about the long post but I wanted to get all the detail in. I have a 210l Rena tank (120cmx45cmx45cm – 4ftx1.5ftx1.5ft) community setup with the following fish
1 Rainbow tetra
5 Black widow tetras
3 diamond tetras
3 T barbs (spanner barbs, 1 is a bit of a monster at nearly 4 inches long)
2 Kribs
2 Rams
2 Pictus catfish
2 bristle nose catfish
1 Yoyo loach (Pakistani loach) 5 or 6 inches long
On Sunday I brought a South American puffer (Colomesus asellus) after weeks of wanting one and reading up on them. I did the usual when I got him home, light off, bag in the water for and hour or so, then set him free.
He swam off to one corner where he sat for a few seconds and then swam across the front of the tank. One of the T barbs spotted him (cannot remember if it was the monster) and as the puff is only small (1 inch long max), lunged at him thinking he was food. He seemed to realise pretty quick that he was not food and did not pursue the matter further. Puff swam into the centre of the tank where he again attracted t barb attention, another lunge, cannot remember if it was the same barb or not. The light was still off at this point and then one of the kribs came along, lunged and then followed the puff through a few plants into the corner of the tank where he just sat there looking at him, at this point the net went in to rescue the little guy, he was only in the tank for 30 seconds or so, but as this was the fist real display of aggression I have seen in the tank since I set it up a year ago, it was quite upsetting.
The Puffer is now sat in a brooding tank with some gravel, bit of tube and plant. The brooding tank is in my main tank but he is safe in it. He has not lost any coloration and seems active enough, spending lots of time trying to escape by swimming hard, nose on the glass. I have not seen him take food but this lunchtime he had a bit of blood worm stuck in his teeth, which is a positive sign.
I just don’t know what to do, the LFS I brought him from recommended the brooding tank whilst he grows a little, but another said it is not fair to keep him in the brooding tank for too long. They suggested feeding the fish right up so they are not hungry and then giving it another try, the said the tank mates just need to find a pecking order which I am inclined to agree with, but if you are viewed as food, what good is trying to find a place in the pecking order??
Shall I keep him in the brooding tank for a while, beef him up and hope the other leave him alone?
Feed the other and give him another try and hope the others leave him alone?
Take him back to the fish shop and wait for a bigger one to come in?
Take the Krib and T barb back to the fish shop?
Please help. I wanted this fish so much that is making the whole thing that much more upsetting.
Thanks in advance,
1 Rainbow tetra
5 Black widow tetras
3 diamond tetras
3 T barbs (spanner barbs, 1 is a bit of a monster at nearly 4 inches long)
2 Kribs
2 Rams
2 Pictus catfish
2 bristle nose catfish
1 Yoyo loach (Pakistani loach) 5 or 6 inches long
On Sunday I brought a South American puffer (Colomesus asellus) after weeks of wanting one and reading up on them. I did the usual when I got him home, light off, bag in the water for and hour or so, then set him free.
He swam off to one corner where he sat for a few seconds and then swam across the front of the tank. One of the T barbs spotted him (cannot remember if it was the monster) and as the puff is only small (1 inch long max), lunged at him thinking he was food. He seemed to realise pretty quick that he was not food and did not pursue the matter further. Puff swam into the centre of the tank where he again attracted t barb attention, another lunge, cannot remember if it was the same barb or not. The light was still off at this point and then one of the kribs came along, lunged and then followed the puff through a few plants into the corner of the tank where he just sat there looking at him, at this point the net went in to rescue the little guy, he was only in the tank for 30 seconds or so, but as this was the fist real display of aggression I have seen in the tank since I set it up a year ago, it was quite upsetting.
The Puffer is now sat in a brooding tank with some gravel, bit of tube and plant. The brooding tank is in my main tank but he is safe in it. He has not lost any coloration and seems active enough, spending lots of time trying to escape by swimming hard, nose on the glass. I have not seen him take food but this lunchtime he had a bit of blood worm stuck in his teeth, which is a positive sign.
I just don’t know what to do, the LFS I brought him from recommended the brooding tank whilst he grows a little, but another said it is not fair to keep him in the brooding tank for too long. They suggested feeding the fish right up so they are not hungry and then giving it another try, the said the tank mates just need to find a pecking order which I am inclined to agree with, but if you are viewed as food, what good is trying to find a place in the pecking order??
Shall I keep him in the brooding tank for a while, beef him up and hope the other leave him alone?
Feed the other and give him another try and hope the others leave him alone?
Take him back to the fish shop and wait for a bigger one to come in?
Take the Krib and T barb back to the fish shop?
Please help. I wanted this fish so much that is making the whole thing that much more upsetting.
Thanks in advance,