New Short Bodied Betta & Dtpk Redblack

the fish came today, i ended up getting 4 of the 5 i ordered and only 3 were ones i picked out. Uthen said that 2 of the fish were sick and he sent me 1 replacement and refunded me for the 5th. i dont know what i was expecting with the shortbody pk, i guess i wanted him to be more cartoonish than he is. and i got a great blu/white male. im going to try to get pics, but there floating right now.
the fish look alot better, but my photo skills are week.

white/gold pk male

blue marble "monster" pk my fav.


short body pk red/gold

all the fish were flaring, as soon as they were released!

copper hmpk nice finiage, but this was the replacement i did not want this color....
The colors on the shortbody are interesting. They're all very cute!
i wish i knew how to use my camera, im just to lazy to learn. it takes me 20 shots just to get one crap shot.

but here it is.. its the short body again but with his ful color back!

the shot in avatar<<< is the best shot ive ever got.

synirr what do you think the chances your going to get another short body from your spawn?
Um... probably nill. I'm assuming it's recessive, but if so, all the fry will be carriers. If not, at least half will be short-bodied, but I doubt it's dominant.

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