Fish Connoisseur
Your pandas look great, Inchy. I have a covey of little panda juvies that survived the move and have transfered to a 20 long with a cloud of galaxy Rasaboras. They will go to market soon though with some bronze and sterbai fry.
A cloud of small neons or harlequins and a tribe of 5 or 6 small cories such as pandas in a planted 10 usg would be a nice tank. I don't know the requirements of kuhlis, but I probably would think twice about keeping kuhlis with pandas. I have queens (dario Botia) and zebras (straita Botia) with pepper Cories. They just do manage with the boisterous loaches. Although you may not see the loaches, they most likely come out foraging when all is quiet. And they can get pushy. I think--but not sure--they are also generally considered a fish that produces extra waste. Dirty fish need more filtration and area. Pandas need good water.
A cloud of small neons or harlequins and a tribe of 5 or 6 small cories such as pandas in a planted 10 usg would be a nice tank. I don't know the requirements of kuhlis, but I probably would think twice about keeping kuhlis with pandas. I have queens (dario Botia) and zebras (straita Botia) with pepper Cories. They just do manage with the boisterous loaches. Although you may not see the loaches, they most likely come out foraging when all is quiet. And they can get pushy. I think--but not sure--they are also generally considered a fish that produces extra waste. Dirty fish need more filtration and area. Pandas need good water.