New Setup


New Member
Jun 13, 2007
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Wales, United Kingdom
Hey, I'm new to this site so help me out a little. I've been breeding fish for about 2 years now. I started with Endlers and now I'm on to Kribensis, I've had quite a few successful spawns from the Kribensis and I will be selling on the 60 young and parents back to my fish store. I've changed my mind about breeding fish as I've figured out how much hard work it is moving parents when the young get to big, removing a diseased fish and so on. I want a peaceful setup now and with owning Panda Corydoras, Pygmaeus Corydoras and Sterbai Corydoras, I've learned that these fish are beautiful and amazing both in the way they look and the way the interact with each other. Unfortunately, I've got a small tank, it's a Fluval 500 so I know that I wouldn't be able to have a huge amount. I've got a lot of plants and a large piece of drift wood with caves so what would be the average amount I could have in there? Any help would be greatly appreachiated.
No, it's just Kribensis and they won't be in there when I introduce the Cory's. I'm not sure on the liters or gallons sorry. That's all I know is that it's a Fluval 500.
No, it's just Kribensis and they won't be in there when I introduce the Cory's. I'm not sure on the liters or gallons sorry. That's all I know is that it's a Fluval 500.

Fluval Uno 500?

What's the lighting like? Is it just one bulb, is the hood black?
Hi K.D :)

Welcome to the forum! :flowers:

While we're waiting to find out how big your tank is, let me point out that the three corydoras you mentioned are quite different in their temperature requirements. The sterbai require warmer water, between 75 and 82 degrees F. while C. pandas are cool water corys. They do best around 71 to 76 degrees F.

C. pygmaeus are tiny little things and will do well in a tank with the pandas. With larger fish they seem to stick to themselves more, Here's a picture:

It's a Fluval UNO 500 with one light and a black hood. It's not a big tank but big enough for about 8-10 smaller fish. The Pygmaeus I had were quite big, about the same size as the pandas. The tank holds about 2 full buckets of water.

Edit: It has a 18" bright bulb with a reflector above it. The setup I have now is horrible and the plants I've got which are Elodea Densa are dropping leaves and they're causing a mess. Before I put more fish in, the gravel will be taken out and the wood and it will all be cleaned over and settled in a bucket for a day or so. Would it be better to use a sand substrate for Corydoras as I'm thinking of also having 4 Kuhli Loach as I've had them before but had to sell them because my Kribensis were trying to kill them. I don't want to overstock as I'm very against cruelty to animals, especially fish after the stuff I saw when I did work experience in my lfs.
It holds about 35L / 10G.

It can hold up to 12 small fish, Sand would be best for Kuhlis and corys, since both love it.


6 Corys
4 Kuhlis
3 Gouramis or similar to fill the top of the tank.
Sounds good, even though I'm not to keen or Gourami, what about Glass Catfish?
I've seen pretty large glas catfish, I think they would out grow it.
For anyone who wants to know it's 50cm x 25cm x 30cm
I don't think I would be over stocking if I put the Kuhli loaches in and 11 more fish because the Kuhli's are constantly burrowed. In my old setup, I'd never see my Kuhli's, I use to forget about them until my dad would ask me if they've been showing. I clean my tank twice a week, I feed the fish 3-4 times a day, depending on if they eat the third lot fast enough or if they're stomachs get to big. I'm not sure on what other fish could go for the top of the tank. I think 2 Angelfish would overgrow the tank but I've been told otherwise. What about 9 Corydoras, preferably Pandas or Sterbai and 2 Angelfish and 4 Kuhli's? Or is that to much?
Hi K.D. :)

It's time to come back to earth here. If your tank just holds 10 gallons, you are not looking at being able to keep many fish in it. Angel fish are out completely because they need much more room to grow.

Six to eight average sized corys are about tops for a tank that size. If you were to have dwarfs, you might do OK with 15 - 20, provided you did regular water changes.
The Angelfish were just a thought. I'm not thinking about overstocking the tank with 20 dwarf Corydoras. I'm just not keen on Gourami and there's not much more of a choice for top tank dwellers.
By the way all, my name is Kyle, I just used my initials because the Username Kyle wasn't available.

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