New Setup, New To Cory'S

Fab cories :good:

By the way they're Cory Trilineatus not Julli,fantastic little fish! :good:

They're commonly mis sold has julli,they're also known has leopards,three line corys and false julli :rolleyes: :)

Good luck with them :)
Your right, i remember now looking in the index and seeing that they were three-line. This lfs is bad at naming. But good stock.

So far they seem to be doing good. I was worried about one but he's settled in better now.

Thanks guys, I'm really glad i decided to get cory's.
When i first got mine they were sold has julli,now i know the difference :)

Well if they are anything like mine,you'll have lots of babies :)
Its probably best to set up a fry tank and save any eggs you see otherwise they'll get eaten
Hi Darkerwhite2 :)

Good luck with your new corys! Do you plan to get any more? :unsure:
The fry tank sounds good. When i start to see eggs i'll start looking at options.

And Inchworm, Yes probably 5 more in a week. I know it's not a huge bump in the bioload but i wanted to be on the safe side.
It's always best to be on the safe side. Do you plan to get more of the C. trilineatus or do you have another species in mind? :unsure:
Going to stick with the same species, i really want to keep these guys in one group. I very much like their pattern. I may add a smaller group of pandas depending on what i do with the tank within the next months.

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