New Set Ups


Oct 26, 2004
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Well, with Sakana gone, I figured it would be a good time to finally get my sorority tank set up. So, I got new critter keepers for Diamond and Koenig. I was worried that they would have problems adjusting, because it is slightly smaller than they space they had in the 10 gallon, but they adjusted quite nicely, and infact, Diamond is even happier in his keeper than he was in section of the 10gal.

So, here's some pictures of their new setups. :)


Here's diamond's... if you look closely, you can see his head poking out of the plant in the upper right corner. :D


Sorry, Koenig's pic is a bit blurry, but you can see everything. :) Koenig likes a lot of swimming room, so I just made sure he had a plant to lay on and a cave to hide in. This morning, I woke up, and he had his little head poking out of the cave. :wub:

When I get the sorority tank set up, I'll let you all know. :)
Looks good!
You might think about using less gravel. In a tank with out undergravel filter 1/4 inch is recomended. It also gives fish more room and water. Good luck on your girly tank!
i agree with shelly, i'd cut down on the amount of gravel, it'll give the boys more swimming space!

in my kritter keepers i have completely barebottomed and fake plants.
There is far to much gravel (as already stated) and in my opinion, no offense but I think the first tank looks tacky. Sorry!

hmm i really dont agree with that i think they both look very nice (especially the top 1). But i do agree that there is way to much gravel in there, how many gallons are the tanks??
There is far to much gravel (as already stated) and in my opinion, no offense but I think the first tank looks tacky. Sorry!

hmm i really dont agree with that i think they both look very nice (especially the top 1). But i do agree that there is way to much gravel in there, how many gallons are the tanks??

It didn't say on the tank, but they are about the same size as my 2.5gal, so I'm assuming that's what they are. :)

I'll take some gravel out of both. Thanks for the suggestions and compliments. :D
Your tanks look super..and its everyone to their own taste ladies and gentlemen....I have stopped using gravel now as it does give you more space...started using those flat marble things and you can use the colours to compliment the fish....good luck!
More gravel than water lol, like the second one the best.
Your tanks look super..and its everyone to their own taste ladies and gentlemen....I have stopped using gravel now as it does give you more space...started using those flat marble things and you can use the colours to compliment the fish....good luck!

Flat rocks can be pretty, but I like the look of gravel better. It is harder to clean, though.

Thanks for the compliments. :) You're right, it is everyone to their own tastes. I love very colorful setups, and with Angel being the cellophane, the neon colors matched him so well. :) With Koenig being green and liking lots of room, I just went with a simple, sparse setup with natural colors. :)

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