Well, with Sakana gone, I figured it would be a good time to finally get my sorority tank set up. So, I got new critter keepers for Diamond and Koenig. I was worried that they would have problems adjusting, because it is slightly smaller than they space they had in the 10 gallon, but they adjusted quite nicely, and infact, Diamond is even happier in his keeper than he was in section of the 10gal.
So, here's some pictures of their new setups.
Here's diamond's... if you look closely, you can see his head poking out of the plant in the upper right corner.
Sorry, Koenig's pic is a bit blurry, but you can see everything.
Koenig likes a lot of swimming room, so I just made sure he had a plant to lay on and a cave to hide in. This morning, I woke up, and he had his little head poking out of the cave. 
When I get the sorority tank set up, I'll let you all know.
So, here's some pictures of their new setups.

Here's diamond's... if you look closely, you can see his head poking out of the plant in the upper right corner.

Sorry, Koenig's pic is a bit blurry, but you can see everything.

When I get the sorority tank set up, I'll let you all know.