New Rena Xp3 Filter

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Aug 26, 2009
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I recently just upgraded from a 50 gal rectangular tank to a 125 diamond shaped tank (5 sides back fits into corner like triangle)

I purchased with the tank a 175gal Rena Xp3 cannister filter. I used to own one of the cheaper hang on back type before on older tank and had no issues. I installed the new filter properly and its significantly more powerful then my older one but for some reason the older one would suck up more fish waste and food in the input then this one.

I contacted my local fish store and they said it was because of the shape of my new tank, that the water will flow differently. They recomended I put my input hose in the back corner of my tank and the output facing the front of my tank, and if that didnt work to keep playing with it til the flow directs the waste twords the input tube.

I've sat here for 6 hours now playing with the input/output and I cant seem to get the right flow for my shape of tank. All waste seems to float around aimlessly and not get sucked up through the input tube as much as it should be.

I want to avoid using a powerhead as much as possible, anyone know how I can get proper water flow and/or more debris to get sucked up through input?

get a 90 degree piece of pipe to fit on the end of the input to the tank that will direct the water better around the tank but you will always get a slow spot of water in every corner on that shape of tank unless you have multipull tank inlets or a pwerhead to get to the flow to the corners try a Y piece on the tank inlet pipe to make 2 pipes and then you can position the outlets in 2 opposite corners

i hope this makes sense lol
Yeah I understand, so basically just a hit and miss sorta thing with this shape tank? my rectangular tank is crystal clear and my 125gal with the bigger filter is not as near as clear....

I also noticed that my new filter seems to shoot out air bubbles from the output every so didn't do that at the normal?

if I use a Y connector witch directions should I shoot the output in? Should I direct the nozle twords the front of my tank and have the output at the back like I currently have it? I can also use a spraybar if that will help

Heres a picture for better reference. The output on far left follwed by heater then the intake tube twords center of tank at back

Thanks a lot for all the help,
i think it maybe normall mate just abit of air trapped thats all
have one where it normally is blowing water to the front of the tank and put the other where the suction tank outlet is but same again use a 90 degree piece on it and blow the water towards the other one
the tank inlet near the tank outlet will cause a suction upto the tank inlet thus sucking more crap up as it tries to go past and the other one will push the crap towards it

again hope this makes sense lol im starting to confuse myself lol

your pic isn't there mate you need a photobucket account (its free) uplaos your pics onto there and then copy the img code then paste in the post you are writing
sorry about picture

heres pic now...

that kinda makes if i point my 90 nozzle at my intake right now will it work better then this setup? cause I dont have a y connecter handy..will buy one soon tho
right no point it to the small piece of glass (where the silver shark is on the bottom left of the pic that peice) on the left as you are looking at the tank try that
it should make the water flow in a circle towards the tank outlet

you will need to tank inputs to do what i said before

this way will do a simular thing but obviously you wont have the updraft near the tank output

if you look carefully at the tank input you will see crap particals comming up from the bottom and the getting blown about
thats what i was trying to explain (and not very well not my strong piont im a doer not a sayer lol)
Is that your arowana in the signature pic? thats a crazy looking fish...I want one of them but my 50gal houses my 11year old pirana right now so gotta wait til his day is up haha
alright I changed the direction and it seems to be helping a bit, ill keep you posted tho.
Do you have msn by any chance? I was wondering if you wanted to talk about a few things, I was lookin at your profile and noticed you got some cool setups
no its not mine but i do have a 13" silver arowane and did have a 2ft silver arow but that died a while ago

i rarely use it mate for personall reasons lol
do you have facebook ?
theres 3 for sheffield..

I messaged all 3 saying "Fish dood?" haha so add me if you get that on facebook
By now there's probably no more trapped air but what I do after priming an external cannister is to pick it up a few inches, being careful about the tubing and then I tilt the top a little, at small angles, not a lot, and at each angle off upright I give it a firm little shake. The I wait to see if I've brought up some air bubbles and watch them shoot out the output. Then I tilt it a different way and shake again. The reason I wait is that if you do it too much right after priming you'll get so much air that the pumping will stop and you'll have to prime again. Of course, even if you don't do this, the air will eventually work its way out as you've been observing. Its just that the trapped air could have been taking away a bit of the pressure and it sounds like you could use all the flow you can get!


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